soccer sex scandal

nah, it's just the illuminati spreading rumours so they can immanentize the eschaton sooner o_O
ahh, the girls are probably triying to profit. But the players are morons i think, why try to sleep with girls wholl sue you for that? Bunch of rotten players. Would Roy Keane do smthing like that? The last of the real british players
best said:
ahh, the girls are probably triying to profit. But the players are morons i think, why try to sleep with girls wholl sue you for that? Bunch of rotten players. Would Roy Keane do smthing like that? The last of the real british players
Keanes from Cork ffs ye fecker!!!! British me arse!! :mad:
sex scandals are everywhere even in NBA, you have probably heard about the Kobe Bryant Scandal...

Nik no sports just F*ck
Nik stands for F*ck in arabic lol