Social media etc


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Hi guys

Hope everyone is doing great....can headly believe it's almost Easter did that happen?

Just a quick note to let you all know I've deleted my twitter account....."tweeting" just didn't seem to agree with me tbh and it seems like just another way of celeb worship or bleating about how hard life is blah blah. Don't think I had tweeted since just after Bloodstock last year :lol:

Going to be cutting back on Facebook activity too......again just getting annoyed with the moaning and whining about life and the amount of shockingly poor bands I keep getting encouraged to "like".

Time to get back to life not life in front of a screen 24/ enough of that in the day job :lol:
I suppose these things were put to better use when there was 'the band' to further and put out there and generate buzz. You do eventually, increasingly 'grow out' of social media but I don't think it's necessarily gotten any worse - you just follow and pay attention to the wrong people!

Best thing I did was trim the herd with a scythe and try to keep close only those I gave two shiny shites about hearing from.

If we're going to see you out from behind a screen more, I hope to catch up with you at a gig soon Steve! I'm all over London these days
Sounds wise, Steve. I used to have two Twitter accounts (one serious and one a little less so), but somehow I also got to the point where I was ... "why?"

This. I had a Twitter for luke 3 months and havent been on since. Facebook lasted even less. Their both pointless and I think you're better off without.
I suppose these things were put to better use when there was 'the band' to further and put out there and generate buzz. You do eventually, increasingly 'grow out' of social media but I don't think it's necessarily gotten any worse - you just follow and pay attention to the wrong people!

Best thing I did was trim the herd with a scythe and try to keep close only those I gave two shiny shites about hearing from.

If we're going to see you out from behind a screen more, I hope to catch up with you at a gig soon Steve! I'm all over London these days

Yeah Dom....I really need to get out more.....barely find the time for anything local these days never mind London.

Man I remember when I DIDN'T have a Facebook (and before Twitter was a thing)... I remember not having a MySpace back when that was the thing, too... feels like forever ago. Sometimes I wish I didn't have a Facebook anymore just so I could return to using the Internet like another anonymous schlub but on the other hand it's a good way to keep in touch with everyone from personal friends to people halfway around the world.

Only reason I use my FB so much is because most of the things I like to do involve a computer and I have it open as a tab 90% of the time!
I've never used Facebook. Don't like the way it works with not being able to be anonymous and I don't like how it's "taking over" some people's lifes. You get kind of isolated, but I still don't want it.
Couldn't agree more.......I just can't abide seeing continual posts "OMG did you see this?" OMG can you believe that?" Get a fucking grip ffs!

There was a TV show when I was a kid called "Why Don't You?" and the theme tune had a great lyric which contained the line "Why don't you switch off that television set and go and do something less boring instead". Think we need an internet version of that song......obviously no internet or home computers when I was a kid, not until the rise of the ZX81/Spectrum/C64 of course, so TV was the thing of course.
I maintain you only get out what you put in from the internet - don't want the annoying people in your feed - delete the buggers! It's like purposefully keeping the company of annoying imbeciles when you're free to just walk off!

I agree with Steve you have to keep a balance with internet usage - I catch myself on it 99% of my day and think how sad it is. Then I go out down the pub or for a run in the park or go see friends & family to give my poor eyes a rest.

What does annoy, and what I used to be guilty of, was doing that offline stuff and then constantly updating everyone else with it! As if it's only a valuable and fun experience if EVERYONE you know sees that you did it! I mean - fair enough if you saw the Grand Canyon but "look, I ate dinner" or "Darren has checked in to Starbucks!" - get a grip!
I maintain you only get out what you put in from the internet - don't want the annoying people in your feed - delete the buggers! It's like purposefully keeping the company of annoying imbeciles when you're free to just walk off!

I agree with Steve you have to keep a balance with internet usage - I catch myself on it 99% of my day and think how sad it is. Then I go out down the pub or for a run in the park or go see friends & family to give my poor eyes a rest.

What does annoy, and what I used to be guilty of, was doing that offline stuff and then constantly updating everyone else with it! As if it's only a valuable and fun experience if EVERYONE you know sees that you did it! I mean - fair enough if you saw the Grand Canyon but "look, I ate dinner" or "Darren has checked in to Starbucks!" - get a grip!

I trust your tongue was firmly in cheek when you typed out that Starbucks bit! :p
Wow, that is a really good read. Definitely worth reading!!
I just MIGHT finally give in to Facebook. After my first semester of studying and some new friends are leaving I wish I had an easier way of keeping in touch with them. I just might get an account but will still keep my distance and not get too stuck in front of the screen...
I don't blame you, Steve. I don't mind jumping onto forums in my spare time, but Facebook and Twitter really seem to give people an unhealthy sense of self-importance.

I recorded vocals for an album by a group called Empyrean Sanctum last year, and if you go to their Facebook page to look up the members of the band, each of their respective Facebook page links are listed. Under my name, though, the drummer simply typed, "Too cool for Facebook." Damn straight!

Stay metal. Never rust.
Very good point on the "self importance" thing......I could name a few people who carry on FB like they are holding court, so to speak, and their friends/supporters (generally speaking about 10 of them) just blow smoke up their ass and tell them how great they are.

Of course in this day and media and social networking is seen as the way forward in reaching the people in terms of promotion......and when you have virtually every band with an internet connection in the world doing it, it's overkill and beyond for me!

Too cool for FB.....nicely done sir!
That's another good point, Steve. When you see the smattering of band promotion all over the social media landscape, it's just staggering. What kills me is that so many of these "bands" are really just projects. I've been saying for the past few years that in this day and age, any jackmo with a laptap can make and promote an album. Then again, when it comes to people hearing some of my releases, I wonder if they're thinking the exact same thing!

Stay metal. Never rust.
There are some things that are worth using social media for like Facebook, which you must be logged in in order to gain access to games, updates, photos, news etc. which aren't visible to unregistered users. but I personally find it to be quite a waste of time when it comes to social communication with others. I just prefer doing the communication stuff through more realistic means. Like if I want to speak to somebody I know in real life, I'd prefer a phone call over a facebook chat conversation. It's all a matter of preference, but considering how big of an impact social media has caused on the Internet by now, It's very difficult to not be a part of it in some way anymore. You kind of get too isolated if you don't touch it at all.