Sodom - Sodom
SPV Records - SPV 80001009 - 2006
By Philip Whitehouse
Tom Angelripper's been shooting his mouth off a bit recently, condemning bands like Venom and Celtic Frost who put out big 'comeback' albums and get a load of press, while bands like... well, like Sodom, actually... can plug away for nigh on 22 years and go unnoticed. While I reckon the dummy-spitting session was at least partly inspired by the lack of European metal festivals inviting the teutonic thrashers to headline, you can kind of see his point. Sodom have been a consistent force in thrash for quite some time.
This latest self-titled album has been causing a few ripples, though. They've streamlined their sound, gone for a somewhat cleaner production, dropped some of the more rock-based elements that many felt gave them their individual sound, even, apparently, started to sound quite a bit like Slayer from time to time (not that that's been a problem for any other thrash band in history)... but don't panic, it's not quite as radical as all that - not that you'd know it from the fuming fanboy reactions popping up all over teh intarweb. Sodom are still Sodom, there's no doubt about it. the changes to their sound are subtle, and their songwriting capabilities are still more than intact. Check out 'Buried In The Justice Ground' for a classic, rocking thrash tune that balances mid-tempo groove and ear-catching melody with aggressive, machine-gun choruses and pummelling drum breaks. See also 'Lords Of Depravity's breakneck pace, showing Angelripper stretching his modest vocal range to it's limits.
Sodom the album is a varied affair packed with top-notch thrash tunes, simple as that. It's not revolutionary, it's not a radical new direction for the band, it's not going to spark any kind of revival or encourage legions of metalcore kids to drop their hairdye bottles and sweatband for bullet belts and spiked armbands. What it is going to do is inspire some pretty frenzied headbanging among those who have a passion for this style of pared-down thrash, among whose number I am happy to count myself.
Sodom's Official Website
SPV Records' Official Website
SPV Records - SPV 80001009 - 2006
By Philip Whitehouse

Tom Angelripper's been shooting his mouth off a bit recently, condemning bands like Venom and Celtic Frost who put out big 'comeback' albums and get a load of press, while bands like... well, like Sodom, actually... can plug away for nigh on 22 years and go unnoticed. While I reckon the dummy-spitting session was at least partly inspired by the lack of European metal festivals inviting the teutonic thrashers to headline, you can kind of see his point. Sodom have been a consistent force in thrash for quite some time.
This latest self-titled album has been causing a few ripples, though. They've streamlined their sound, gone for a somewhat cleaner production, dropped some of the more rock-based elements that many felt gave them their individual sound, even, apparently, started to sound quite a bit like Slayer from time to time (not that that's been a problem for any other thrash band in history)... but don't panic, it's not quite as radical as all that - not that you'd know it from the fuming fanboy reactions popping up all over teh intarweb. Sodom are still Sodom, there's no doubt about it. the changes to their sound are subtle, and their songwriting capabilities are still more than intact. Check out 'Buried In The Justice Ground' for a classic, rocking thrash tune that balances mid-tempo groove and ear-catching melody with aggressive, machine-gun choruses and pummelling drum breaks. See also 'Lords Of Depravity's breakneck pace, showing Angelripper stretching his modest vocal range to it's limits.
Sodom the album is a varied affair packed with top-notch thrash tunes, simple as that. It's not revolutionary, it's not a radical new direction for the band, it's not going to spark any kind of revival or encourage legions of metalcore kids to drop their hairdye bottles and sweatband for bullet belts and spiked armbands. What it is going to do is inspire some pretty frenzied headbanging among those who have a passion for this style of pared-down thrash, among whose number I am happy to count myself.
Sodom's Official Website
SPV Records' Official Website