

Sep 10, 2002
A stranger in a strange land!
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I done this thread but it went into another thread for some reason, so I'll do it again!

Went to see Soil in London yesterday. Man what a fantastic gig, probably gig of the year so far!

I suppose they are lumped into the "Nu metal" category, but to me they are just old fashioned heavy metal. Loud, great songs with melodies. No pointless shouting, no rapping, and no DJ.

Has anyone else seen Soil? What do you think of them? If anyone gets a chance to go see them live, I totally recommend that you do so. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.


After your reconmendation I have a copy of the album on the way. I'll let you know how I get on.

My reconmendation for you is Rawk and Roll, by Roadsaw. Awesome live band and a great album, in the vain of Motorhead, Supersuckers, Purple type of stuff.

Hi Dickie.

Hope you like the Soil CD! Is it Scars that you have ordered? That is the second album. Throttle Junkies is the first, but I believe that the band have disowned that one! But Scars is a brill album in my opinion. Just recently got their EP. Also good, but not so heavy and dark. But there is a great song on there called "Yellow Lines".

Anyway, let me know what you think of it. I will look out for the album you reccommended.


Your right Paxo, it is a great album. It is nu-metal with melody and a good singer. Brilliant way to kick off an album with the track Breaking me Down, a real belter.

At the same time I got the Puddle of Mudd album which is pretty good too. Very Nirvana/Alice in Chains, but I always liked them anyway.

Glad you liked the album! Yeah Breaking me down is a great song to start off an album. That is the song they played first when I recently went to see them, you can imagine how good that was! What a way to start a gig!

If you like Scars then try the EP. Was listening to it again last night and it is brill. It reminds me a bit of early Black Sabbath, especially the song Yellow Lines. It only has 5 songs on it but well worth the £7 I paid for it.

I did order Throttle Junkies from amazon and they said it would take 4-6 weeks to come in. After 3 months it was still saying 4-6 weeks so I cancelled my order! Hopefully I'll pick that one up in a shop somewhere.


Forgot to say. Yeah the Puddle of Mudd CD is great as well (one of Mrs Paxoman favs!). They are a great live band, check them out if you get a chance.

Got my ticket to see them in august. I just have to decide now whether to go see Puddle of Mudd or go on holiday with Mrs Paxoman. Hmmm it's a close one! :lol:


Hi Dickie - Glad you liked the Puddle of Mudd cd, I happen to think it's top! Is there any particular song you liked best? As for Paxoman's dilemma - go to see Puddle of Mudd in August or go on hols with "Mrs Paxoman" - I know what I'd do...go and see Puddle of Mudd, of course!!

Have you heard Nickelback's album, or anything by Creed? If so, what did you think?

Oh, did you have a good hol, by the way? Where did you go?


I really liked She hates Me and Control on the POM album, both top tracks.
As for the holiday I'd go with you everytime Sammi ;) creep creep

After my brother went on for ages about the Nickleback album I bought it. Must admit I though it was shite! Just a bit boring. Did like the track about domestic violence though, can't remember its name.
Saw Creed at the Big Day Out and though mmmmm Pearl Jam rip off! :lol: :

My holiday just consisted of me decorating my bathroom unfortunately. Still of in September for a proper one.

If you want a brilliant album of classic metal get hold of Clayman by In Flames. Quality stuff.


Aww, would you really go on hols with me instead of going to a gig, Dickie? So where we going then? hehehe That's lovely - Paxoman should take a leaf outta your book!! Sod the bathroom, come to Manchester instead! hehehe ;-)

I like your choice of tracks from the POM CD - both excellent songs - as is the entire album really. Oi, Nickelback isn't shite - I think it's fab! The song you mentioned about domestic violence is called Never Again - 1st song on the CD and also their next release, I think! I love "Where Do I Hide" - superb guitar, makes me wanna throw myself about the bedroom, and I frequently do!! I often "treat" Paxoman to my own rendition of Nickelback/POM/Creed when he is visiting from London!! hehehe Creed are great too - I have their latest album, and even Paxoman said it was "heavier" than he expected from them. I do like Saxon now though, and my son tells me I sing Denim and Leather "quite well". He disowns me when I start pointing and throwing my hair about though...well, it's a bit embarrassing when you're in Asda, I suppose!! hehehe