Soilwork - Stabbing the Drama


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Soilwork – Stabbing the Drama
Nuclear Blast Records – NB1377-2 – March 8th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


Grab your weapon of choice and let’s head to dill_the_devil’s place! But, while we’re on the way, let me tell you about the new Soilwork album Stabbing the Drama. Essentially, the band’s latest isn’t radically different than Natural Born Chaos or Figure Number Five, except for the lack of competent songwriting; in other words, it’s a middle-of-the-road effort which fails to raise either of my eyebrows.

Actually, I thought Stabbing the Drama was going to be another fine notch for the Soilworkers until I stumbled past the fourth track. “Stabbing the Drama” is an ultra-catchy composition that isn’t too far removed from their set formula. Good instrumentation, edgy verses, and melodic choruses all interweave to produce a smokin’ opener. “One With the Flies” really showcases the masterful use of synthesizers as well as amazing drumming. I used to think that I’d miss Ranta, but I can honestly say that I don’t in the least. Anyway, “Weapon of Vanity” and “The Crest Fallen” are solid numbers in which energy abounds. Speed’s trademark vocalizations aren’t remarkable, though both the clean and distorted vox are strangely satisfying. If only they were as tear-inducing as the ones found on Extol’s upcoming The Blueprint Dives. The further I delved into Stabbing the Drama, the less I began to care. The songs started blending together to form a conglomeration of nu-tinged, boring muck. Somehow Soilwork just seem to lack substance these days. Songs such as “Distance,” “Observation Slave,” and “Blind Eye Halo” might’ve worked better up front after “The Crest Fallen” ceases to be.

Thus, I have obviously lost faith in a quintet that I thought could do no wrong. The problem with that mantra is: no one band is ever immune from the we-aren’t-as-good-as-we-used-to-be bug. I know some of you UMers lost interest in these Swedes long ago, and I think I have too. So, should we politely knock on dill’s door or should we barge in Profanity style?


dill_the_devil’s Review of Soilwork – Stabbing the Drama
Official Soilwork website
Official Nuclear Blast Records website
Man, was I disappointed. I mean, you could tell where they were heading with NBC and FN5, but damn. There's like 4 fucking guitar solos on this album! Not to mention that they've fallen into that "clean verses with just bass and drums"...I mean, what the fuck? Not enough creativity to write a verse with a guitar part in it. I will say that Speed's clean vox have improved a lot, and he's got a good ear for melody in the choruses, and their new drummer is DAMN good...I was real bummed when Henry Ranta left, but this guy is more than capable of filling his shoes - even if he is french. (Just kidding :D ) But overall, I've given up on this band - it's a damn waste of some great musicians (The Chainheart Machine is one of my favorite albums of all time, mainly due to the drumming and guitar solos) and it pisses me off that they've degenerated into this Mudvayne-sounding shit. "But we're just naturally developing as a band" - wow, and this development just HAPPENS to be into the same radio-friendly bullshit that In Flames has stooped to.

old soilwork = brilliant
new soilwork = brilliant

old in flames = brilliant
new in flames = brilliant

There I said it. The last thing I would call these two bands is radio-firendly or 'nu-metal'. WTF is nu-metal anyway - it just seems to be a place where bad bands get put into. Limp Bizkit and In Flames in the same genre? - FUCK OFF!

Metal will never be radio-firendly and In Flames and Soilwork are definately metal.
are you deaf? Nu-Metal seems to be all about catchy hooks and beats while metal is all about skill and passion; the kind where blood and sweat are produced for your small group of fans because you care so much about the music and dont treat your fans as "clients."

Soilwork used to be all about the music and drive. Soilwork used to make me and my friends heads spin while our stomachs felt like we were riding in a roller coaster! Now we just fall asleep or put something else in.

BTW, I cant wait for the new EXTOL album!
Unregisteredbitch said:
old soilwork = brilliant
new soilwork = brilliant

old in flames = brilliant
new in flames = brilliant

There I said it. The last thing I would call these two bands is radio-firendly or 'nu-metal'. WTF is nu-metal anyway - it just seems to be a place where bad bands get put into. Limp Bizkit and In Flames in the same genre? - FUCK OFF!

Metal will never be radio-firendly and In Flames and Soilwork are definately metal.

i thought i should tell you that you are so very wrong. New soilwork is the equivalent to Britney Spears' latest single without the catchiness. They don't fool me by playing half assed metal riffs, it's bland formulaic pop metal. Everything got fucked up after APC, though NBC was still tolerable. Soilwork just plain SUCKS these days. Boring melodies, boring riffs, boring solos. They should give up. In flames is no better.