"Solens Rötter" - the reviews


vanquish the pain
Oct 5, 2001
ensamhetens vildmark
Although not very detailed reviews they all provide great words that make me anticipate the release even more.

What's up with this line: "Andreas Hedlund - you either love him or you hate him. There really is no middle ground when it comes to this geezer."
"and those who feel he sounds like a koala bear in heat."


omg lol
if anything Mr V sounded more like a koala bear in heat(not that he did at all but i'm making a point here) on the clean low vocals on the first Vintersorg albums and on Otyg more than the new not blackish clean vocals on the last few Vintersorg albums

in any case I love the old and the new clean vocals...i just like the old ones less
So the first reviews for the new album see the light of day.
Here are the first I came across:

http://www.femforgacs.hu/review/430/Vintersorg_Solens_Rotter (an online translator didn't shed much light on the content of this one.....I'll ask an Hungarian friend of mine about the essence of the review and let you know ;) )

I'm the writer of the Hungarian review. Unfortunately I don't have enough time to translate it recently but I wrote only fine things because I find this album amazing. Just like the other Vintersorg albums, of course... :)
Not a review but a short interview:


Oh and about the "koala bear in heat" line I used in my review. I actually based that on a friend who gave that exact comment upon hearing Vintersorg for the first time. I of course gave him a good beating for that obvious lack of musical taste :)

Thanks for posting this. I was searching for new interviews yesterday but didn't find any yet.

I checked out this band "Quatermass" that Mr. V mentioned. Seem's great. Still have to check out the Enid.