Some bad news to COB fans...


Metal,& only Metal
14.7.2003 Alexander Kuoppala (Children Of Bodom's Rhytm guitarist) has left the band! I'm not sure this is 100 % true, because hasn't got a word on this news. But I'm positive this is true :( Well i just wanted to say this pretty sad news & I was hearing rumors that Roope Latvala (Sinergy) was the replacement guitarist, what makes sense because he is good friends with the band & play with Alexi in Sinergy. Waiting for confirmention...

I know this may come a shock to you but these things happen often so...
Even if this is true, I don't think its that big of a deal. AFAIK, Alexi does most of the songwriting and Alexander is basically just the rhythm guitarist. So if it is indeed true its not that much of a loss IMO (losing Janne, on the other hand, would be).
I know this is off topic but oh well. Yngvai, I noticed you changes your pic from the Sanctus Ignis album cover to the what seems to be Underworld cover. I heard the album does not come out until Aug or Sep (in the US at least), do you live somewhere where it is out already? If is it?
symphonyXjapan said:
I know this is off topic but oh well. Yngvai, I noticed you changes your pic from the Sanctus Ignis album cover to the what seems to be Underworld cover. I heard the album does not come out until Aug or Sep (in the US at least), do you live somewhere where it is out already? If is it?

Hehe, well, it comes out in Japan at the end of the month. My friend got a promo copy of the japanese release and scanned the cover for me. I preordered the japanese release from though, so I should be getting it at the end of the month.
This news is on the Spinefarm site so that is probably the most official place you will hear it from apart from
I dont think much will change either. Alexander only wrote parts for 2 songs.
Personally i don't much care. He's pretty replacable imo since he didn't do a whole lot but play rhythm. Not saying that's not sad, but it could be worse. And alexi IS cob, so if he left... no use. And he is an excellent singer... fuck he's awesome. As for rumors of roope... i don't think that would be good... they don't need another solo guitarist because they have Janne. Plus... it's fun going to the live show, seeing alexi singing then ripping into a solo... nothing better. I think roope would take a lot of that away. Plus... that would render sinergy almost useless.
If they get another lead guitarist i hope tat none of them hold back. 3 shredders in a band wil be awwwsome! just think of the harmonies they could get. Not just 3rd or 5th or octaves, but full chords! that will be cool
It is sad if it's true. CoB were able to maintain a constant line up over 6 years and 4 albums without any changes, that isn't too common. CoB is one of those bands you can't imagine with another member. Anyway, I hope they continue. I hope the new guy won't be a shredder so we can hear more of Alex's outstanding playing!
Nice irony there, Mr. Shred-Ididle. Now, did you know that at one point even Chuck wasn't in the band anymore? That was on the tour for Spiritual healing I think. So it was a 100% different line up than on the next Death record (Human). I think that's quite funny!
Oh well, I'm happy that they won't split up 'cause of that. Now that would've been a great loss.

It's pointless to start speculating about Ale's replacement, they'll let us know, when they're ready. Though it will never be the same without Ale...

Anyways, it was his own decision and I'm sure that he had good reason(s) for that. If he's happy with it, then all the fans should be too, you gotta respect the guy enough to accept his decision.

I wish all the best for Ale in the future! :)