Some bad news.

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
The new issue is going to be delayed.

Hopefully by just a couple of weeks. This new job I'm starting has taken SIX WEEKS from initial application til now. All my previous jobs, it was a matter of showing up, being interviewed, and hired that same day. This time, I was told very quickly that I've got the job, but things like references not filling out forms correctly, not being notified about employee orientation times (and getting snooty phone calls asking why I didn't show up), it's been a nightmare. Looks to be resolved this week though. Unless the drug test or FBI background check turns up anything strange, which would be just my luck considering I don't even use alcohol and have never been arrested.

Which means the July 1 print date won't happen unless I get 75 new issue preorders or 15 shirt orders before tomorrow night. :p New print date is now July 18, assuming ANYTHING happens the way it's supposed to. But the new issue is complete and just ready for funding. Damn that haven't-worked-since-July thing.

If you feel the need to be refunded your preorder, just let me know. But please don't be anal. :p

A couple of new Introducing thingies with should be on the site tonight or sometime tomorrow.
Mom to the rescue!

Yes, Mom!

Hiring process is actually going along, chances are very high I will be working for actual wages Wednesday.

So mother is making sure that I can actually get this to the printer on time (will have to go to the post office for next-day service tomorrow instead of sending it priority liked originally planned today). Finished product in my hands in 2-2.5 weeks, hand-numbering will probably take a day for all 1000 copies, individual copies mailed out the next day, and then copies mailed to distributors the first Saturday after that.

How metal is that?

And Blacula is on cable right now... life rocks.