Some Brutal Stuff (Mesa DR; Ampeg; DW)


Nov 19, 2005
As far as I know guitars are Mesa Dual Recto into Mesa cab (not sure which one), bass is an SVT3 into svt 4x10" and drums are a DW set.

I'm only responsible for mixing/mastering but nevertheless I'd like some opinions as it's not exactly the kind of sound I'm typically after.


I know it's too bright, a bit scooped and the bass is to high but the first isn't an issue as the song is for myspace only and you can hear that (Myspace link and the other 2 are how the band wanted it. The toms are replaced with Andy's samples, the rest is all natural.

Cheers :kickass:
Yeah that's how the guitar player wanted it, I only agreed because it's going to myspace. I don't like that kind of tight-skin snare, myself but again they insisted on this. With some bands it's pretty hard to make them happy without making more compromises than you'd like.