Some electro orchestral death metal? new TGM material.

Cheers Kev! Yeah. it's about 4 days work for me, and this is still work in progress so not done yet haha.. but thanks for a having a go at it good sir!
give details about the track. What did you use for synths? What about the guitars? are they pod? How do you compose your songs? Do you write the guitar parts first or do you write the synth parts first?(or both).
- Synths are absynth 5, orchestral essentials, goliath and symphobia 2.
- Guitars are POD yes.
- Drums are superior 2, blended some samples on the snare and kick.

It really is a work in progress for now, the mix needs processing on the guitars and bass mostly for now.. plus i need to re-record to get it tight, hell the strings on the guitar were really lifeless haha.
Just glad to get something out again, got stuck.

Composing.. pfff, that is tiresome process really.. this time i started with some orchestral stuff and started writing riffs for a verse and a decent bridge.. then the chorus came along, etc.. all of it comes out as you record, trial and error really.