Some exciting OSTROGOTH news!!!


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Look who also is a true fan!!!!

I'm sure Metallica were/are legit metalheads who were at the front lines of worshipping NWOBHM in the USA, but I can't shake the feeling that they've been given permission by their managers and PR jockey to wear their old band shirts and jacket vests because metal is retro and has returned to hipness
Hey, I have never hid my love for Metallica....

But yea, it is definitely more of an "effort" that James has been doing lately in wearing band shirts.

I also saw some live shots from within the past couple years where he sports a kutte live with metal and punk patches.

But hey, if some of their fans first check out some of these bands because of it then so be it.

I mean, I first heard of Diamond Head and Holocaust from the original Garage Days Re-Visited.....

Anyone here who says that they were truly a raging DH or Holocaust fan in 1988 are full of crap!
They (Metallica) had Biff Byford onstage with them in Paris and they did "Motorcycle Man" which was a nice gesture. James said that Metallica's second show ever was opening for Saxon. Metallica is full of great history/stories, if nothing else.

Would love to see Ostrogoth. I AAAM EH SAAAAAAMURAAAAIIIIIII
True story......

James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett once went on stage after a TROUBLE show (in LA I think), to try to see their amp settings, since they wanted to try to copy their sound........

Anyhow, you guys may not care, but I always thought that was a cool story.

But hey, if some of their fans first check out some of these bands because of it then so be it.

This is my feeling on it. Whether legitimate or not if people are checking it out, what's the harm?

I wouldn't exactly call Ostrogoth hip though. A lot of the bands we listen to are honestly just completely unknown by most metal fans, so I dunno if it's them trying to be hip or not. Could be, but I have a hard time believing him wearing this is gonna make him seem hip.
Seriously?! That was the kind of "exciting news" I was hoping for when I clicked on this thread (hence my comment).

yeah they were very interested. Basically though almost any band is...Tygers of Pan Tang was almost on this years show but it didn't work out in the end. But anything could happen.