Some info on the new Six Feet Under album...

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Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Barnes posted this on SFU's offical website:

just want to fill you all in...this new cd is fully mixed and mastered and after an all night session at the Hit Factory, finishing the mix and then a drive back to tampa yesterday from miami at 4am, only to start a photo session with Joe Giron starting yesterday at 11am and finishing up last nite at 9pm ,i am sitting here right now cranking the fucking shit out of this motherfucker its full on brutal death metal guys -i mean heavy as fuck!.the title track is on right now--this is the first cd ive done in a long time probably since max violence that im just freaking out on ,i dont know how we put this together, but we did and its really, really incredible.just had to share that with you this new cd will rip your fucking heads off.thats a promise-late barnes
He was probally stoned when he typed "brutil death metal" because SFU is not known for being "brutil". Also, the new album is a concept album based on the Grim Reaper.
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