some input please.


The Ancient Metalhead
Dec 30, 2004
Indianapolis In USA
I wanted to ask this in gen disc forum because in the old school forum
there are folks partial to Tony Martin era Black Sabbath but today i was
at a book store and i saw a used copy of Black Sabbath's TYR and i know
nothing of the non Dio and Ozzy era Sabbath and the song titles and lyrics
looked interesting but i have been burned before on buying bad cds.
So maybe you guys can help out and give me an opionion on this cd
please. Sorry Erik if this is not a good thread.
maybe 1 out of every 6000 files i see in any p2p i've ever used is OGG.

it's usually one guy who has all his stuff in said format, probably so nobody will fucking d/l off of him cos ogg sucks and nothing plays it...


edit: 7 more posts....