Some kind of symphonic power metal (AD, MKIII, Fem. Vocals)


Apr 3, 2008
Málaga, Spain
Hi guys!

I'm in a band called Eternal Dream, and we do... eermm... some-kind-of-symphonic-power-metal (lol :lol:). I'm working in our first demo and would be great to have some feedback about my mixes. My room isnt treated and I mix with a shitty ESI near05, so I think that the first problem could be the low end.
The songs have been 'Gcliped' to raise the volumen and nothing else.

Guitars -> RevMKII demo (i dont like the sound I get from it, but I suck getting good tones :waah:)
Bass -> Ampeg SVX
Vocal -> Recorded with a SM57 through my PODXT used as preamp.
Drums -> Programmed using AD for OH, kick is Andy Sneap's one and snare... dont remember, one of the multiples snare samples around here.

Sweet Wrath ->
Symphony of Horizon ->

Let me know what you think about the songs and mixes, any feedback are welcome!

i love the songs (the singer is awesome)
for guitars i suggest you to use the new nick crow´s 8505
for bass maybe you should try Steinberg´s Warp (its my favorite for distorted bass)
id bring up guitars and bring down vox

this goes directly to my ipod
Thx for your comment! (the singer will be happy hehe)
I've heard some samples of the 8505 and the sound is f***ng sweet! I've to try it, and maybe using the Awesome impulses (I always ended using the high presence engl impulse).
I'm glad you like the songs :kickass:

Any other comment will be appreciated!
believe me, jcm900 plugin make some serious jobs on power metal songs. i did a couple of them and love it. lots of fatness.
Thank you guys for your comments!

Lot of people say that we sound like Nightwish, but I think it's because the voice rather than the sound (btw, we play live one NW song... but raining blood too! :heh:)

88mph: The JMC900 plugin you talked about is some kind of free amp sim like the SoloC or 8505?

Here is the snare I used. The first file is the raw sound and the second one is EQ'ed and compressed as you can hear in the songs: 1 (Raw).wav 1 (Proccesed).wav

Thank you guys for your comments!

Lot of people say that we sound like Nightwish, but I think it's because the voice rather than the sound (btw, we play live one NW song... but raining blood too! :heh:)

88mph: The JMC900 plugin you talked about is some kind of free amp sim like the SoloC or 8505?

Here is the snare I used. The first file is the raw sound and the second one is EQ'ed and compressed as you can hear in the songs: 1 (Raw).wav 1 (Proccesed).wav


yeah. you can find it here with lots of other guitar stuff:
As I remember (Im at work right now), I used two tracks, with different takes.

Track 1 -> Centered, just a bit EQ'ed and heavily compressed (like ratio 10:1, 8-10db of gain reduction)
Track 2 -> Centered, raw sound through Waves Doubler with the Basic Doubler preset (or something like that), without the center output. On this take, we tell her to sing very smoothly, like whispering or being a very innocent girl hehe :blush:

Both tracks have sends to to FX tracks, a hall reverb and a stereo delay (1/2 and 1/4, feedback about 25%)
The four tracks blended to taste.

Cheers! :kickass: