Some Lyrics I Wrote for My Band...


New Metal Member
Dec 4, 2004
See what you think about them...

A Thorn in My Side

You! Who thinks they know it all
You are without knowledge
You! Who thinks they are all that
You are plummeting over the edge

You! Who thinks they know love
You’ve been misled
You! Who the ladies worship
You’ve been nailed to the bed


Call me in ten years
Tell me where you are
I’ll see you in tears
You won’t go very far
Let’s see the skank you marry
Who you will leave and never bury
I will own your soul in the end
Kiss my ass while you descend

You! With no will to succeed
Who will cry when you bleed?
You! Your mom’s a drunk
All you know how to do is slam dunk

You! The pansy-ass jock
On your knees, you will be beaten and mocked
You! Mr. Pennybags
I wanna see you in the filthiest rags


The end is near, my friend
Who will walk with you to the end?
Shine my shoes, bitch
Start eating dirt from your home, the ditch!!!


Just a thorn in my side (4x Crescendo)


Copyright 2004 LoyalMDOFan. All rights reserved.

Your basic "F you" song. LOL. It'll rule when we write the music to it. Yeah, the reason I put 2004 instead of 2005 is because that was the year I wrote it.

Oh, the name of my band is Disciples of the Watch (unofficial).

I'll have more in a minute. Hopefully I won't get beaten for the cursing.
Light of the World

Light of the World – guide my every move
Tell me what’s the right groove
Tell me all my ups and downs
That is truly the sweetest sound
Propaganda will always reign
Everything will always be insane
Tell me all my woes and sorrows
Tell me if I’ll live to see tomorrow

Light of the World – I’m nothing without you
Take my brain and my money too
It’s all for the greater good
If you told me to jump off a bridge, I would
Propaganda will always reign
Everything will always be insane
Your image is ever-so kind
My mind on money and money on your minds


Light of the World – feed me lies
It is your ultimate alibi
I am blind, I cannot see
Without you, I cannot be
Robot to mankind, I march among the masses
Eternally kissing your lazy asses
Your sweet words are blasphemy
Yet I still want to listen to undying anarchy

Light of the World – I’m dumber than dirt
Your sweet words do everything but hurt
I have no sense of independence
My mind says yes to ignorance
Propaganda will always reign
Everything will always be insane
You’re the master, pull my strings
As the Fat Lady begins to sing


Propaganda will always reign…

Copyright 2004 LoyalMDOFan. All rights reserved.

About how people are so easily manipulated by MTV and other powerful propagandas. Probably will be the name of our first album. I made a logo for the band, and I wish I could post it, but I don't have Flash.
Walking Tall

Society’s put you in your place
They simply hate your ugly face
Society’s a battle with never-ending defeat
No matter what, you’ll always be beat
Any dumb jock can have any cheerleader he wants
As long as he can make the punts
Yet, the ones with the actual brains
Their place in society will always remain the same

Fighting, fighting for a beautiful girl
Yet a stone they will always hurl
Society’s gonna make the call
You’ll never be walking tall
You want to be something you’ll never be
Do you not have eyes to see?
You’ll always be so small
You’ll never be walking tall

Society’s run by the man
If he can’t like them, no one can
Your place in society comes like a cruel whip
For the sacred wine, you beg for a sip
You thirst, you’ll keep on thirsting
Your bubbles will be forever bursting
They all point and laugh at you
And they’ll strip you of their rights, too


You’ve been hung like a faded picture
You’ll remain on that hook in capture
That hook will hold you in place
So everyone can point and laugh at your ugly face



Copyright 2005 LoyalMDOFan. All rights reserved.

The story of my life. LOL.
Into the Era of Chaos

The kings have abandoned their thrones
They have been replaced by emotionless beings
They will let ignorance and dormancy be known
The bleak future is not for seeing
For every Revolution, there is an eternal battle
For every battle, there is death
Let all those who spy tattle
And let all people take one last breath

Moral and goodwill are forever drowned
Evil and Satanism are greatly renowned
Our planet is at an enormous loss
We’re marching into the era of chaos
The Four Horsemen direct the black drum line
Hell’s fire is so benign
Lures you in, takes you out
Into the era of chaos you will scream and shout

Parents never molding their kids’ minds
Bitter and drunk, they can never be kind
The light apparently shows them the way
Doing what they do, saying what they say
Without thought, without intellect
The future they fail to protect
With gleaming eyes they see nothing
Thinking they’ll get by on life by being lucky


There is no future for us
We will never ride the magic bus
We’re all going to hell
When the madness will end I cannot tell



Copyright 2005 LoyalMDOFan. All rights reserved.

A world we've already begun to enter. And it'll only get worse. Unfortunately.
And, finally, the anthem...

Disciples of the Watch

(Intro, Damien’s “Disciples of the Watch” speech from Omen III)

We’ve been chosen by the unholy one
To hunt and kill the holy son
Our power flows directly from the Antichrist
The second Jesus is in our sight
We bear the mark of the devil
666 is the price on our bill
Like puppets, our minds have been lead
A bright star shines overhead

Our master demands success
Nothing more and nothing less
In our eyes, he is the true ruler
Victory is not later, rather sooner
He feeds us words that are music to our ears
Telling us the new world order is near
Like puppets, our minds have been lead
A bright star shines overhead

“Disciples of the Watch…do you hear me?”


All those with daggers are our enemies
All those with daggers believe in Gethsemane
The fight at either shore rages on
There is only power…good or evil, there is none
We must do what the Antichrist orders
Fight the fight at each border
Deception to turn man against man
Without eyes they are blind and damned

And with encouragement he leaves us to our task
Yet there is no reward under the black mask
His dogs influence our point of view
To reply “yes,” that’s our queue
There will be no regrets in the end
Satan’s victory is around the bend
Like puppets, our minds have been lead
A bright star shines overhead


A bright star shines overhead…

“Disciples of the Watch…do you hear me?” “We hear you, we hear you…”

Copyright 2004 LoyalMDOFan. All rights reserved.

Taken, yes, from Omen III, one of the best movies ever. I picked out the five best lyrics I had written so far to share. Hope you enjoy.

As far as our band's sound goes, we'll be a combo of Dream Theater and Opeth, says Tyler, the rhythm guitar player and vocalist. I play bass. And here's some songs we might do covers of...

Sehnsucht - Rammstein
Cry - Godley and Creme (oddball choice, but good breakup song)
My Soul is Wet - Mutha's Day Out
N.I.B. - Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Deliverance - Opeth