some melodic hardcore from my area


New Metal Member
Oct 9, 2009
new carlisle, IN

haven't posted a lot here, but i thought i might post a band from my area that could use some exposure, and i figured a few of you guys would like it. I'm really digging their stuff as of right now

check their blogs, one mentions that their ep should be coming out within a few months, but last i heard was that they were having some setbacks. it's being recorded by ryan zyer of dezire studios and being mixed/mastered by mario robinson of the band Isles (, who does some pretty good mixes (including the song currently on glaciers' page)
This is good shit.
The mix really seems to be lacking some low end?

Usually melodic hardcore bands have HUGE sub bass that sort of resembles the pop punk genre.

The perfect combination of sub bass and a thumping kick will immerse you in this kind of music. :)

I love this kind of music though. My impressions are that not a lot of people on this board appreciate this kind of music however, shrugging it off as "generic" or "core".

Good find. We need more of this around here.
agreed man, there is a lot of treble/high end coming through in the mix, which isnt necessarily a bad thing but it could use more low end for sure.

but yeah, i really hope these guys dont get grouped with the "core" music people on this forum hate so much. especially considering where these guys are from, theyre based in the hometown of oceano and a lot of deathcore bands. theyre doing something really different compared to the bands in their local scene. and right now its working for them, they seem to be making an impact in the area.

but i agree, this is really good stuff and i hope the ep turns out well.
The vocalist and that guy's hat are definitely the band's biggest short comings. I agree that the production seems a little bass light but it's cool you can hear every note the guitarist are playing.