Some of you dorks better be coming to Epica tonight ...

If it was a short drive, I'd go just to gawk at Simone.

That would be my sole reason in going too!

Bob actually showed me a DVD of theirs once.
They are actually one of the better female fronted bands that I have heard, just not my cup of tea.

Ken - Please let us know how the show was. Always curious to hear about turnout, etc.
I won't be attending this show. I had initially planned on it, but they lost when it came down to deciding which September shows I'd be present at. Yes Ken, please give us a review. I'll probably kick myself later for not going since Nightwish is dead to me now. Ah well. Honestly, I'm still recovering from Katatonia! :lol:
I never get offered free tickets for anything and I turned down 2 for this this show. The drive is what killed it, if it would of been on a Friday at least that would of been workable, at least I could sleep in the next day but since I have to be up by 4:30 am tomorrow I had to pass.
I would have gone but with all the shows happening this week and next...Epica was the bottom one...I have a feeling that they will be back again, this is their second tour so I cant see why they wont come back. I know that Visions of Atlantis is opening for Sonata on thier Jan-Feb 2008 tour in the states and Canada...hopefully it hits Chicago.

I am curious to see the set list both bands played.
OK, here's what I can tell you:

I got there after Visions of Atlantis started their set. I have no idea who, if anyone else, played before them. I had never seen them before and I'd like to see them again. They're a bit samey compared to all the other duelling male/female vocals bands. But they have an interesting change to it. The male singer (who sounds a lot like Mats Leven at times but does not-AH end-AH every-AH word-AH with-AH an extra syllable like Leven does) is not a growler but does do growls as accents once in a while. He's not playing an instrument and singing like in all the other bands, though, they have two lead vocalists (M/F) who share the stage. That was pretty cool. The female singer must be American, because she said "Y'All". She was an interesting mix of metal chick and cheerleader and seemed to be having some fun. I liked her. Compared to Echoes of Eterniy, who I also saw for the first time recently, I'll take VoA any day.

Epica played a bit over 1.5 hours. They have a good thick sound that translates well live; I like their sound a lot better live than on disc, it's much more full. Most of the new songs were good, so I'm eager to get the new CD. They had them at the merch table for $20, and as much as I'd like to support them by buying the CD there, that's crazy when I can get it for $12 at Lasers Edge. I would have bought one for $15, though.

Don't ask me for a playlist, I don't know their songs well enough to ID them by name. I do know they played Mother Whatever off Consign to Oblivion, which is my favorite song of theirs.

I'd estimate the crowd at about 150, but I have never in my life won one of those "guess how many jellybeans are in the jar" contests, so you shouldn't put much credence in that number.

According to both Simone and Mark Jansen, Chicago now gets the honor of being the first town that had a mosh pit for them. The 10 people in the pit had a good time. The Pearl Room security folks handled it really well; two big guys walked out and figured where the people who didn't want to be irritated by the pit began, and just sort of stood at the edge of the pit area to be a barricade between the pit and the non-pit. They just shoved back anyone that got close to them, which I think they enjoyed a bit :) But it was a great way to let the kids have their fun while limiting the annoyance to people around them.

One of the things most impressive about Epica live is the way Mark Jansen switches back and forth between deep growls and harsher almost black metal screeches at an instant. That can't be easy, but he does it well without even taking a breath at times.

I saw Chris Lotesto there supporting the band unlike all you schmucks :) He told me he's eager to see if Powerfest draws better now that they've moved it to a Monday / Tuesday to accomodate Sabbat. He indicated they're also trying to get Skyclad so Martin Walkyier can reunite with them. They might even just dedicate Tuesday night entirely to folk metal. :headbang:

Yeah I distincly remember seeing a guy that looked like a security guard at the Katatonia show standing right next to the pit as if to guard the people around them, that's actually pretty cool.
If they dedicated the whle "tuesday" show to folk metal maybe it will finally draw people there. Just think


damn...what a great show. I think people would be lining up right now and camping out for that show!
If they dedicated the whle "tuesday" show to folk metal maybe it will finally draw people there. Just think


damn...what a great show. I think people would be lining up right now and camping out for that show!

If you like folk metal and don't mind lyrics in Spanish, I suggest you check out "Mago de Oz".
If you like folk metal and don't mind lyrics in Spanish, I suggest you check out "Mago de Oz".

already a fan and super pissed I blew off thier show at the Aragon last November. They were opening for some guitar guy out of Mexico. I just got a new computer that day and was hooking it all up and excited to finally have high speed at home so I stayed in. It was a block away. I am that lazy. That is one band that loves putting out DVD's too. I would love to see them headline a show and not be openers.
Yeah, Mago de Oz rocks. A lot of people don't even bother with bands that sing in other languages. Oh well, their loss.
Jose, you ever been to the indoor flea market in Villa Park on North Ave?
There is a hispanic dude who runs a metal stand.
He was EVERY Latin metal band.
It's awesome, though the discs are VERY expensive.