Some of you may be interested (DBS related)


Aug 30, 2001
DOG BONE SANCTUARY has joined forces with heavyweight rock producer and engineer Jack Endino (SOUNDGARDEN, NIRVANA, GRUNTRUCK, ZEKE, L7, THE ACCUSED) for their anticipated debut album entitled "Tapestries of Life".

DBS will enter Ironwood Studios and Hanzek Audio in May 2005 to begin recording what they call an "album of the ages". The album is due for release at the bands upcoming performance this year at Hempfest 2005, which is held at Myrtle Edwards Park and is host to over 150,000 pro-hemp activists annually. The band is expected to record 10+ songs to be used for consideration for both the album and a possible follow up EP.

For more information about DOG BONE SANCTUARY, please visit

JACK FUCKING ENDINO!!!! :OMG: that man is a fucking legend in the Grunge circles! HOLY EFFING CRAP! im so happy for you! :hotjump: and envious! hey Kev, give that guy my regards! he is one of my all time heros! i cant wait to hear your sound with Endino at the helm!