Some one say goat?

Ok, I have a crazy story... Im not sure if you knew that I used to be an instructor in a society for nature protection in Israel. I was a member for 8 years, and when got to my senior year in high school I instructed kids at the ages
of 10-11. Anyhoo we went to camps, and day trips and explored nature, and learned about survival etc...
anyhoo- in one of our weekend camps, we stopped on top of a mountain and as I gave a speech about the area, I took my binocular to look for a good thing to show the kids, I saw an arab farmer (we were right on top of an arab village) does something to a donkey... seriously- NO JOKE.
I even gave the binocular to my co-instructor because I couldn't believe it.. needless to say, I never passed the binocular to any of my kids...

Is that a face you can say "No" to? Come on! Goats are radtastic.