Some one sent me a poem about France


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Post this one on your website, Billy!!


Eleven thousand soldiers
lay beneath the dirt and stone,
all buried on a distant land
so far away from home.

For just a strip of dismal beach
they paid a hero's price,
to save a foreign nation
they all made the sacrifice.

And now the shores of Normandy
are lined with blocks of white:
Americans who didn't turn
from someone else's plight.

Eleven thousand reasons
for the French to take our side,
but in the moment of our need,
they chose to run and hide.

Chirac said every war means loss,
perhaps for France that's true,
for they've lost every battle
since the days of Waterloo.

Without a soldier worth a damn
to be found within the region,
the French became the only land
to need a Foreign Legion.

You French all say we're arrogant.
Well hell, we've earned the right--
We saved your sorry nation
when you lacked the guts to fight.

But now you've made a big mistake,
and one that you'll regret;
you took sides with our enemies,
and that we won't forget.

It wasn't just our citizens
you spit on when you turned,
but every one of yours
who fell the day the towers burned.

You spit upon our soldiers,
on our pilots and Marines,
and now you'll get a little sense
of just what payback means.

So keep your Paris fashions
and your wine and your champagne,
and find some other market
that will buy your airplanes.

And try to find somebody else
to wear your French cologne,
for you're about to find out
what it means to stand alone.

You see, you need us far more
than we ever needed you.
America has better friends
who know how to be true.

I'd rather stand with warriors
who have the will and might,
than huddle in the dark
with those whose only flag is white.

I'll take the Brits, the Aussies,
the Israelis and the rest,
for when it comes to valor
we have seen that they're the best.

We'll count on one another
as we face a moment dire,
while you sit on the sideline
with a sign, "friendship for hire."

We'll win this war without you
and we'll total up the cost,
and take it from your foreign aid,
and then you'll feel the loss.

And when your nation starts to fall,
well Frenchie, you can spare us,
just call the Germans for a hand,
they know the way to Paris.

Don Fichthorn, Major USMC (Retired)
Thats one cool poem..I think the Queen should make the Major dude poet laureatte (what ever the fuck it is but its a compliment!!!).... :Spin: .
ehem, are you dudes aware that the French fought on your side, or came to your aid if you please, during the war of independence?

Anyways, the whole mixture of wars and the blind belief in the righteousness of one's own country is mad and maddening. Please learn.
Maybe if we stopped worrying about what the french did or did not do, and concentrated on lets say, either a new band or a tour...we all would have something to talk about on this board. This shits getting really old. Whats the deal with M.O.D is it done. Will there be a tour, whats going on. Im happy there will be a new S.O.D DVD out (even though it will be the same songs we have heard a million times before). But what I am getting at is, whats the deal Billy. You seem to skirt the subject everytime its mentioned. What are the plans. Should we all just say farewell to M.O.D, and remember the band for what it once was.

Im tired of coming here and reading about Bush, and the french, and what little everyone (including myself) knows or does not know about the upcoming election. Fuck the rules of engagement. Im gonna start spewing whatever the fuck I feel like on this board, since it has nothing to do with music anymore.
Allan said:
ehem, are you dudes aware that the French fought on your side, or came to your aid if you please, during the war of independence?

Anyways, the whole mixture of wars and the blind belief in the righteousness of one's own country is mad and maddening. Please learn.

Yes i am aware that the french assisted us during that war, only because they had more to gain in being our freinds and giving us aid, not to mention fucking the English out of there "new world",( I belive the french and the english who were at war or just out of the war a few years, im not exactly sure of the dates)

Taken from

Comment on what motivated the French to be involved in a revolt of the American colonies from England. The French interest came from many factors, which were not shared equally by all the French participants or decision-makers.
There was certainly a significant desire for 'revenge' -- to see the British lose in North America, where the largest French real estate had been lost in recent war that ended in 1763.
There were broader French 'policy goals'. One goal was to improve French world-wide economic advantages. More broadly framed, the goal was to weaken Britain [France's main rival] and redress 'the balance of power' which had shifted in Britain's favor following the Seven Years' War.
France sought to improve the security of her fishing areas off Newfoundland, and the lucrative trading islands in the West Indies. Both were vulnerable to possible conquest by the North American colonists, assisted by the British navy. Separating the colonists from Britain had a very distinct, defensive advantage for the French. Contrary to American perceptions at the time, and carelessly asserted in many history articles, the French foreign minister was not interested in regaining Canada. This had been 'written off' French objectives when they transferred their Louisiana territory to Spain in 1762. The French did anticipate an opportunity to possibly acquire more islands in the West Indies, at the expense of the British.
Some sympathy for the American revolt was held by a few of the French intellectual elite [Philosophes] who idealistically favored the principles of democracy, and to a lesser degree of republicanism. Many envisioned a half-measure, with democracy applied under an enlightened monarchy being conceivable. Such feelings were also shared by a small group of English intellectuals. While the words of such intellectuals would often be quoted in association with the Franco-American Alliance, such individuals did not have the power to effect political or military actions.
There was a growing population of 'unemployed' military officers looking for employment. The French military reforms led to a reduction of active officer positions -- at least in contrast to the prior war years. A 'streamlining' of the army units was concurrent with material improvements ['force modernization'] being undertaken with infantry muskets, artillery pieces, etc., as well as an expanding naval ship inventory.
There were some cautionary arguments against French involvement in a possible American rebellion. The French Controller General Turgot feared the financial strain of another war with England. Louis XVI was also not enthusiastic about supporting a rebellion against a monarch.

as for your last comment ,I am proud of my country, I am proud of the people who fight for our country, as far a being "blinded" by my pride , I can see the faults, But i choose to focus on the good things , rather than the bad..............................
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Maybe if we stopped worrying about what the french did or did not do, and concentrated on lets say, either a new band or a tour...we all would have something to talk about on this board. This shits getting really old. Whats the deal with M.O.D is it done. Will there be a tour, whats going on. Im happy there will be a new S.O.D DVD out (even though it will be the same songs we have heard a million times before). But what I am getting at is, whats the deal Billy. You seem to skirt the subject everytime its mentioned. What are the plans. Should we all just say farewell to M.O.D, and remember the band for what it once was.

Im tired of coming here and reading about Bush, and the french, and what little everyone (including myself) knows or does not know about the upcoming election. Fuck the rules of engagement. Im gonna start spewing whatever the fuck I feel like on this board, since it has nothing to do with music anymore.

muffy, theres not much to talk about with MOD , the new album totaly rocked, and when Billy does decide to tour and accually do it, when i go to see them, and when everyone else goes to see them we will have more to talk about. But he has the whole production thing going on to, so im sure that makes more money therefore that will come first.

I like coming hear and talking about all kinds of different things with my fellow SOD/MOD/Billy Milano fans. thats what makes this board so cool, you can talk about (almost) anything you want.
FUCK THE FRENCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bich ass mother fuckers who think there so sophisticasted compared to americains and how much they hate us look here if it wasnt for us they'd all be speaking german right now!!!!!!!! but as soon as that faggot sadam calls they come a runnin (who want them on there side any way as soon as they hear a gun shot they run like its the fuckin olympics) so you know what these assholes can sit there and smeel shit eatin snails with women with hariy ass pits fuck em all
:devil: DROP A NUKE ON FRANCE TWICE!!!!!!!!!! :devil:
Damn straight S. Killer!!!
They're the biggest pussies of any country out there!!

Lets stop bailing them out of every jam and let them suffer through a war
by themselves

serial killer said:
FUCK THE FRENCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bich ass mother fuckers who think there so sophisticasted compared to americains and how much they hate us look here if it wasnt for us they'd all be speaking german right now!!!!!!!! but as soon as that faggot sadam calls they come a runnin (who want them on there side any way as soon as they hear a gun shot they run like its the fuckin olympics) so you know what these assholes can sit there and smeel shit eatin snails with women with hariy ass pits fuck em all
:devil: DROP A NUKE ON FRANCE TWICE!!!!!!!!!! :devil: