Some PAIN OF SALVATION live tracks

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Okay, a few days ago I announced one bad and two good news. Here they are.

Some people were hoping for me to present you an exclusive SepticFlesh live track. Well I can't do it; that's the bad news. :(

The first good news is the reason why I can't do it. It's because it's gonna be officially released "soon". :)

And the second good news is that I'm here presenting you something else in exchange. :D

In winter 2011, Pain of Salvation toured all over Europe opening for their Swedish fellows of Opeth. It happened to be the last appearance of two of their longtime members Johan Hallgren (guitars and vocals) and Fredrik Hermansson (keyboards). So I thought that, despite it being just an opening slot with very little freedom, it was worth recording and mixing at least one of these shows. Luckily the band agreed and today I'm happy and proud to present you two acoustic tracks from the band's original performance recorded in Montpellier, France on November 23rd 2011, and then mixed and mastered at Tower Studio. This is pretty different from what I'm used to do and a great challenge for me, I hope you will enjoy those songs.

I want to warmly thank Leo Margarit, Martin Barni Johansson and the rest of the band.

Will listen to it as soon as I have broadband internet access again :) Amazing band
Awesome Brett, POS earlier stuff is unbeatable in my opinion. Sounds great!

Slight emphasis added, cuz their first four albums were all just so fucking incredible (putting them amongst my top-3 modern prog bands), Be was...tolerable, and then Scarsick dropped, and to me pretty much defined the other expression the band's acronym could stand for :Spin: (haven't even bothered with the Road Salts, are they any good?) This is great though Brett, and a really spectacular mix, and at least Daniel doesn't ever mention stairmasters or America haha
Slight emphasis added, cuz their first four albums were all just so fucking incredible (putting them amongst my top-3 modern prog bands), Be was...tolerable, and then Scarsick dropped, and to me pretty much defined the other expression the band's acronym could stand for :Spin: (haven't even bothered with the Road Salts, are they any good?) This is great though Brett, and a really spectacular mix, and at least Daniel doesn't ever mention stairmasters or America haha

Hard to say as Road Salt One is nothing like anything you've heard prior to it. If your looking for Pain of Salvation to sound like previous records your going to be disappointed, but if you are open to listening to simply great music then you may find the new stuff enjoyable and well worth listening to.

Road Salt Two continues down a similar path but for me is the better of the two. While both have this 70's hard rock vibe, Road Salt Two is the more aggressive of the two, more focus on groove while One was more melodic and moody (at least to me). While I know many may hate the word, but Gildenlow went for a very organic sound with the Road Salt albums and from that standpoint you'll either love it or hate it most likely.

If you looking for One Hour ... era PoS - this is not that, but taken as a whole and by itself it's enjoyable.

As always, individual mileage may vary.