some pretty cool icelandic music


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008

don't judge them by track #1, it rapidly gets better from there

here's what someone said about this album
This album will likely get lumped into the Post-Rock category, which is what you get for having little to no vocals, but there is a strong Kraut-Rock vibe going on too. ‘Töf’ also has a really nice sense of space. Individual parts are allowed to breathe and partly because of this ‘Töf’ reminds me fleetingly of Earth's ‘Hex’ album with its sparse, reverb guitars chiming almost Country-Rock like across some imaginary plain. This album isn't mind-blowing, but it is pretty good.
i couldn't find this on cd so this album marks the FIRST TIME i've ever spent money on a digital download
ok this is very cool music indeed, kind of what Solstafir would do if they turned post-rock (I mean even more post-rock).

Not into that type of stuff anymore myself but I'll pass on the recommendation to some guys who'll piss themselves in glee
it's better when they're all heavy

also there should be more vocals

i dont know why post-rock bands dont use vocals, it would v. frequently make the music more exciting and better