Some questions


The Band called ROCK
Nov 7, 2001
Molde, Norway
@ Dan & Dag :
Will "Nightfall Overture v2.0" be included in "Alive Again". If not, are there any chance we can download an MP3 sometime soon? I`m dying to hear this..

@ Dan & Dag :
The acoustic part in "Shadowman" sounds killer. Any chance you could tell me (us?) how you managed to achive such a crisp clear sound? I know you guys used a twelvestring acoustic, but besides that; which kind of mics where in use? And most important, how did you place them? I have big plans of purchasing myself an acoustic guitar and some mics sometime soon ( most likely Shure`s SM57 and StudioProject`s C1 ). I guess that`s why I ask this question... I hope you guys can provide some tips and tricks :) And if you have any knowledge of the mics I mentioned, feel free to state your opinions.

I guess some of the forumists have got some tricks of their own aswell.. I would like to read them all!

@ CDN & forumists :
I`m making a big fuss out of this, as I started another thread asking the same question earlier...Anyway, here I go again.

--> Can someone please upload the videoclip from ProgPower? I know someone told they could share it through DirectConnect, but I don`t have it...

Have a nice day!

~NP: Unicorn - The Spring~
Try a Shure SM94 if you are using a large bodied Acoustic Guitar.. a SM57 will pick up too much midbass and you will have a fat sound and EQ cant always get rid of it! I always use this type of mic for acoustic guitar and run though an Alesis MEQ230 and EQ the hell out of it.... I actually fooled some people a while back by making a six-string sound like a 12-string using these methods....

Check here for the SM94

As for the video, look on KaZaa, I am sure it is on there somewhere.
Originally posted by Nightfall Overture

@ CDN & forumists :
I`m making a big fuss out of this, as I started another thread asking the same question earlier...Anyway, here I go again.

--> Can someone please upload the videoclip from ProgPower? I know someone told they could share it through DirectConnect, but I don`t have it...

Check out Nightingale site.
(link in my signature)
"Nightfall part two" is not on A.A.
To be honest: i haven´t heard the finished version myself.
Don´t know if Dan´s has vocals on it yet.
There is talk about a "special relese" sometime in the spring with
"Nightfall" and new versions of some other songs and some covers We´ll have to see. As for the guirtarstuff: that´s Dan´s table. I sat paralyzed between takes, too afraid to move away from the sweetspot but i think some of the guitar went stright into the board. On Dan´s famous "futuresite" the whole Atlanta concert will be there for a download. I don´t have the compressed version just the "real one" and it´s 30 Mb big
Thanx for answers! Still awaiting Dan`s... :)

Thanx alot for putting "loosing Myself" back up on the Ngale-site CDN! Awesome news that the whole show will be available at Dan`s "future site". Can`t hardly wait. Size doesn`t matter.

Thanx for the "inside-info" Dag. I hope Dan can provide more about how it was micèd and recorded