Some Random CDs for Sale

Seriously? Have you not heard Chameleon? Keepers III? Pink Bubbles Go Ape?

Keepers III I will forever defend. I love that album...minus only one or two songs.

Those other two I have trouble even considering Helloween releases as they don't even sound like Helloween. They definitely were wrong steps though.
Glad to see im not the only one who dug Gambling With The Devil

Oh yeah. Gambling was great!
I seriously though thought most people DID like that album??

Anyhow, Chameleon is definitely my least fav Helloween of all time, but its no chopped liver. I though will NEVER understand the hate for Pink Bubbles Go Ape.
Anyhow, Chameleon is definitely my least fav Helloween of all time, but its no chopped liver. I though will NEVER understand the hate for Pink Bubbles Go Ape.

The problem I have with PBGA is to me it just doesn't sound like Helloween. If it was done by any other band it might be an okay album, but to me it just sounds like an okay hard rock album.
Yeah, everyone says that but then praises ROCKET RIDE, which is even less metal than PBGA.

We'll agree to disagree. I still like that album, it's the two after that I don't. Though, I will admit it was the beginning of the end, especially towards the end of that album.