Some songs you REALLY want to hear at ProgPower?


Pixel coordinator
Jan 9, 2002
Alingsås, Sweden
When these songs are played, please do not dirturb me :-)

Division by zero - Incinerated
Wolverine - Sleepy Town
Atrox - No Coil for Tesla
Pagan's Mind - Spirit Starcruiser
Sun Caged - A fair trade
Pathosray - Faded Crystals
Threshold - I want to see Damian climbing :-)
Threshold - Fragmentation &
Suspyre - April in the Fall & The City Under Sands
Wolverine - New Best Friends
Anything from Pathosray

this edition of PP is going to be awesome :D
Myrath - Seven Sins
Pathosray - Scent Of Snow
Pagan's Mind - Taken, Astral Projection, Kings Quest
Threshold - Pilot in the sky..., Flags and Footprints, Long Way Home
Sun Caged - A Fair Trade, Departing Words, Bloodline
ATROX - No Coil for Tesla
CILICE - God of Lies
CYNIC - Veil of Maya, Textures, Evolutionary Sleeper & King of Those who Know
PAGAN'S MIND - Through Osiris' Eyes, The Celestine Prophecy, Resurrection (Back in Time), United Alliance, Evolution Exceed & Shine Eternally (what a bonus track!!!)
PATHOSRAY - Faded Crystal
SUN CAGED - Anything from "Artemisia" will be pure awesomness
THRESHOLD - Choices, Sanity's End, Mission Profile, Opium, Elusive, Pilot in the sky of Dreams & Fragmentation
There are only 3 bands I've heard in any quantity, so I can't really pick songs... Threshold, Wolverine and Pagan's Mind. I'll be hoping to discover one melodic band, one black and heavy band and one band that makes me go, "whaaaaat on earth???".
Division By Zero - Incinerated
Atrox - Retroglazed
Pagan's Mind - Aegean Shores

Sun Caged - Dialogue
Wolverine - Echoes
Alarum - Remote Viewing
Zero Hour - Metamorphosis
Cynic - Integral Birth

Pathosray - The Final just kidding.. - Strange Kind Of Energy
Suspyre - The Origin of a Curse :)
Myrath - Hope
Wolverine - This Cold Heart of Mine
Threshold - Avalon
Division By Zero - Incinerated
Atrox - Retroglazed
Pagan's Mind - Aegean Shores

Sun Caged - Dialogue
Wolverine - Echoes
Alarum - Remote Viewing
Zero Hour - Metamorphosis
Cynic - Integral Birth

Pathosray - The Final just kidding.. - Strange Kind Of Energy
Suspyre - The Origin of a Curse :)
Myrath - Hope
Wolverine - This Cold Heart of Mine
Threshold - Avalon

I could prefectly live with that:rock:
ATROX - Lizard's Dance (muahaha, no chance in hell of that happening)

ZERO HOUR - Demise and Vestige or Stratagem or both many times in a row ;P

SUSPYRE - Galactic Backward Movements (I know instrumentals aren't popular at gigs, but FUCK what wouldn't I give to see that sax solo live)

and of course

CYNIC - eeeevoooooluuuutionaaaaaaaary