Some Stinnett Love! My S6


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York

So, today I got my Stinnett in the mail. What a glorious day indeed.

New guitar smell to a T, the poignant conglomerate of wood odors brought a huge smile to my face.

The workmanship was impeccable. The playability... if you guys have heard anything great, it's absolutely true.

I got the guitar set up for dropped A... EVERY SINGLE CHORD plays in tune ANYWHERE on the neck. The dreaded FMaj, the DMaj, suspended chords galore, augmented chords on the 16th fret... no matter. There is no guitar I know of, or have played (I'm talking upwards of 3k, and even with Buzz Feiten tuning, for that matter), that has been even CLOSE to this sweetly intonated.

The guitar tremors when you dig in, the resonance is unreal. The tone is everything you could expect.

The seven months was well worth the wait, in case any of you guys are curious. Now that I know how great it really is, I would have waited two years.
I have no idea how it plays so well in tune. I would have to say precise measuring of the frets and probably something to do with the fretboard radius being very well done. There is no special compensated nut, or anything other than a tone pros bridge.

I know the guitar looks a tiny bit plain, but I love the all wood look with no finish. She's a beaut!
The headstock is the only thing on this guitar that prevents me from getting a boner, right now.
A guitar made with so much love can't intonate any other way than the perfectly awesome way, for sure!

The wood pickup rings are just too cool!