Some stonerish stuff (All natural drums, Windsor etc.)

It's been quite a while since I last posted here, but now I'd like to share something a bit different with you people. The goal was to get a dirty, raw mix, far from polished and perfect. This is something I don't often get to do, so it was a blast tracking and mixing this. No sample replacement and no amp sims, though there is some Windsor preamp signal ran through Redwirez impulses blended in with the miced tone. Here's the song: Sister Mix 4.mp3

It's still just a raw mix, it's pumping a bit too much and the vocals need to be tuned, but it gives the basic idea :)

As always, feedback and questions are more than welcome!

EDIT: Crap, I lied! Actually there IS some PodFarm in the lead guitars! :)
The acoustics at the start are out of tune :/ Some notes of the electric guitar also sound out of tune. Maybe that was intentional?

Overall its really muddy (not in a good way), clear up some lowmids and it will be kinda cool.
Fucking hell I kinda liked the out of tuned acoustics in the beginning, kinda ignorant style which suits stoner just perfect.

I like the song alot, do you have anymore stuff to share?

Thankjs! True, stoner should be dirty and shoddy to an extent, that's why I won't be tuning the vocals to perfection either :)

The song is written and performed by a good friend of mine, who wanted to try making a stonerish piece and perform all the instruments (and vocals) himself. So unfortunately there isn't anything more to share as of now, but I hope to work with him on similar material again in the near future! :)
Thankjs! True, stoner should be dirty and shoddy to an extent, that's why I won't be tuning the vocals to perfection either :)

The song is written and performed by a good friend of mine, who wanted to try making a stonerish piece and perform all the instruments (and vocals) himself. So unfortunately there isn't anything more to share as of now, but I hope to work with him on similar material again in the near future! :)

Do it! Hope my enthusiasm can push you into doing more... I love this kind of stoner...
Keep the stonerishm coming! The out of tune intro guitars fits perfect!
Yeah! Guts in there!