Some stuff I've been recording lately. Tips for sound improvement?

Jun 6, 2012
Drums are SD2.0. Kick replaced with 2 samples - the infamous Monster and Fusion kicks from the alesis D4. Snare is 3 samples - Alesis D4 "Snr10-DryCombo-38", One of Andy Sneap's snare samples and another unknown one.

Guitars are TSE X50 into Lecab 2 with the Sneap edge cab, Fredman Angled and Fredman Straight cabs into C4 to tame some low mids and then some heavy EQ using 2 instances of Waves REQ6.

Bass is Cakewalk SI-Bass(yeah..) split into 2 tracks, one for lows and one for grit. TSE BOD 2 on the grit track.
You should humanizer that drums ;)
Sound is pretty good otherwise, snare a little too loud I think
Love the sound of guitars & Bass is pretty cool ;) didn't know that vst!
You should humanizer that drums ;)
Sound is pretty good otherwise, snare a little too loud I think
Love the sound of guitars & Bass is pretty cool ;) didn't know that vst!

Thanks for the feedback dude! seems like my threads barely get any comments.
I'll try to humanize better :)
If anyone else has got anything to say just comment, please :lol: