Some things about sports rule!!

1. Dear Northwestern: thanks for beating OSU
2. Sweet, luvable Wisconsin: thank you for crushing OSU.
3. Everheart Iowa: I love the prairie ass whupping you put on OSU

(this is all with due apologies to Biddinger)

the "Buckeye Nation" is hand wringing, gnashing teeth, and rending its own flesh!

Dear OSU:
Biddinger, I didn't know if you were an osu student or not!

I like columbus but the myopia here is incredible. I'm noticing that this season there are very few of those buckeye flags on cars. I loathe the buckeyes with the intensity of a thousand suns.

FG, I didn't watch the game but I heard on the radio what happened...incredible.
Purdue had that game pretty much wrapped up if he doesn't fumble. Wisconsin lost a game to Northwestern in similar fashion back in 97 or 98 when Ron Dayne fumbled with 45 seconds or so left.
Dude, but they called him Thunder.

I don't get why people don't understand that fat grind it out backs that are tough to tackle don't work in the NFL because there is no way they will have the holes they did in college. Ron Dayne was successful due to the hardwork of many, not his own rushing prowess.
He was awesome in college cuz college players are generally smaller. He could run over linebackers. You can't do that in the NFL. Also the speed the speed difference. But he wasn't a bad draft pick cuz he's not getting much money. I think it's under a mil a year.
lizard said:
Biddinger, I didn't know if you were an osu student or not!
I was for about a year. After awhile, I just didn't agree with how the school ran things. I still live around campus and am forced to deal with the idiocy. I just don't understand how everyone can be so rapid about a sports game/team. o_O