Somebody I was speaking to described Judgement as pretentious


Dec 16, 2002
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Somebody I know listened to a few songs from Judgement and said it was 'histrionic' apparently meaning overblown, pretentious. Can anyone here see why he would say that and why? I personally like it a lot

Sometimes people confuse Sophistication with pretention...I can't see how songs such as "Deep" and especially "one last goodbye" could signify any elements of Pretention, lyrically or musically. All Anathema stuff (even the AFDTE-stuff I don't like) is 100% genuine or else I wouldn't listen to it, you dig?
Andy_2003 said:
Can anyone here see why he would say that and why? I personally like it a lot
well, I personally like it alot too, but it is a point of view, I dont see why he could say it, but not everybody should have the same opinion about the album..
Andy_2003 said:
Somebody I know listened to a few songs from Judgement and said it was 'histrionic' apparently meaning overblown, pretentious. Can anyone here see why he would say that and why? I personally like it a lot

No. I cant call it pretentious. Maybe it's less experimental than 'afdte' and 'natural disaster' but not pretentious. Also the heavy elements are more than those of the two last albums but that doesnt make it better.