somebody translate it!!!

"Jätkät hei, mä lähen meneen nyt ihan oikeesti."
"Hei ennenkun sä lähet hei, ni kato mitä mä toin sulle."
"Jumalauti, hyvän näkönen mut eiks tää oo siis..?"
"On on, sixpack:ii kyllä."
"Hei eihän sun nyt olis tarvinnut, hyvä mies. Sitäpaitsi ne ei ollut ees väkeviä."
"Nii nii, mutta aamuks.."

itis from the song oops i did it again, and wonder what is it, so in english please somebody!!!
-Gavin- said:
Well forgive him for not speaking a 3rd language perfectly.

Stupid fuck. (To Jesse)

You are following me to every thread? Got nothing better to do? "Stupid fuck." Yeah, you can say that on the INTERNET. You wouldn't say that in real life. Maybe its the time to go read the internet etiquette? I say this because that "stupid fuck" was completely unnecessary. And you have no reason to defend that guy.
Actually if Gavin met you in real life you wouldnt only hear stupid fuck and dude im sorry but don't try to put up an arguement here you are bound to lose.
Jesse- said:
You are following me to every thread? Got nothing better to do? "Stupid fuck." Yeah, you can say that on the INTERNET. You wouldn't say that in real life. Maybe its the time to go read the internet etiquette? I say this because that "stupid fuck" was completely unnecessary. And you have no reason to defend that guy.
i would say it in real life. you should go back to the fanboy section, you fit in there.
spirit crusher said:
Actually if Gavin met you in real life you wouldnt only hear stupid fuck and dude im sorry but don't try to put up an arguement here you are bound to lose.

Yeah, you too, you think Gavin is god. Like the other users in this forum. Thats what I find most ridiculous. Go suck his dick
Jesse- said:
Yeah, you too, you think Gavin is god. Like the other users in this forum. Thats what I find most ridiculous. Go suck his dick
Youre so clueless dude, Gav is my friend ask him yourself if you think I worship him like a god.