somebody wrote fanfic about me


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
sooo I used to play on this MUD called Phidar as "Sprought". there were several thousand players over the years I was there, and eventually me and one of my clannies, Zan, got reputations as fierce PKers (player-killers). he was a cloud-giant monk and i was a pearl crystemmite cleric (basically, an alien being made out of pearl).

I haven't MUDded in years, but apparently our reputation lives on. on the MUD there was a room built with statues of us standing on piles of corpses our something. and poking around online, Zan found that someone from one of the other clans had written PHIDAR FANFICTION.

and we are characters in their fanfic! however, we are portrayed as drunks.

relevant passage:

Okly heard Eihwaz mumble words beneath his breath. He wasn't surprised when a moment later when he felt Eihwaz land lightly on his chest. "Zan and Sprought happened," Okly said in explanation.

Apparently that was enough for Eihwaz, because he did not ask another question for some time. Okly felt Eihwaz' little body shiver distastefully. Contemplation of the disturbing fact that the giant and the off-worlder might be nearby was an understandable reason.

Just as Okly hoped he has escaped with a minor interrogation, Eihwaz high pitched voice intruded on his languid posture. "Did they cause trouble?" he asked cautiously.

Okly opened one eye, glancing at the two-foot brownie sitting cross-legged on his chest. Eihwaz was dressed in his normal attire, a long sleeved forest green shirt, soft leather trousers and light leather sandals that cover his tiny feet comfortably. Around his neck was a necklace that Okly knew well, though necklace was a loose term at best. It consisted of three strands of pale brown twine tightly braided together with tiny stones laced periodically along it. Each of the stones held a significance for Eihwaz and Okly had yet to ask him about them all. Eihwaz eyes and hair are a pale brown color similar to the cocoa for which his hometown was made famous.

"No. I'm thankful that I was wearing my amulet. I wasn't sure why I felt I should, but I knew something like this was going to happen. I was behind the apothecary's building before they were even on the same street as we were. They did not even know we were there. They were too busy making their way to the local tavern to pay much attention to us even if they had known we were available for their amusement," he finished with a smirk. Eihwaz sighed in obvious relief. "Good then, let them get drunk and they will leave us alone. At least for now."

found this a while ago, but it deserves posting now.
Throughout middle school (6th-8th) grade I had an UNHEALTHY obsession with mudding. I LOVED it and would wake every morning at 4am before school just to get on and do what I did best. Hah... it was fun while it lasted but it's great to look back now and go WTF? I got back into it for a couple weeks in like my sophomore or junior year when I reread the WOT and found a neat WOT MUD then quickly lost interest again. Bored now at college I thought about giving it another shot then I remembered the intelligence and mindset of most mudders and thought twice about it.


P.S. Oddly enough I am sure I played most large MUDs and new most others and I never came across Phidar.
also that dude Zan was my sidekick and kept telling people it was the other way around, but in the dark of the night he would send me messages saying, "I hope no one finds out that I am actually your minion"