SomeGuyDude's Birthday


Mr. Self Destruct
May 17, 2010
Planet Earth, Milky Way
Happy birthday dude. Cheers. :kickass:

Oh stop complaining. Who really gives a fuck about someone's birthday? What the fuck are we? High school girls that sing happy birthday to their slutty friends in the lunch room?
Oh stop complaining. Who really gives a fuck about someone's birthday? What the fuck are we? High school girls that sing happy birthday to their slutty friends in the lunch room?

Those who stop looking at the world through a child's eyes have no more joy in life.
Well said, germ.

I was thinking about that during the classics conference today and I just thought of an insane topic for a paper that will probably never see daylight. Maybe I'll write it over the summer. The idea of "play" and imagination as a better approach to truth than more serious conventional means (in other words, validate my undisciplined approach to reality as opposed to those who use coherent systems of analysis).