Someone recommen me some decent single coils


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
I'm in the market for some new pickups, I like twang so I'm on the hunt for some decent single coils to put in my guitar, I've been using the same stock ones for about 4 years so I think it's time to wave goodbye to them.

Anyway the Body is Alder and the Neck is maple

And here's some tones I do indeed dig the fuck out of (for reference)

By the way, Im aware they're not all single coils in the clips but it gives you an idea. Price isn't really too much of an issue, bridge and neck pickups only as I'd NEVER use the middle pickup.

This is a noob thought but ... pickups dont need to be wired any differently for lefties do they? Im assuming its the same amount of voltage going through each rail
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If you are looking to get some Tele "Twang" from a Strat style guitar you could try something like the Seymour Duncan Twang Banger - it's supposed to be the best of both worlds - Strat "Quack", and Tele "Twang". I've also heard good things about the Dimarzio Red Velvet pickups for providing a little "Twang' with Strats.
Twangbanger in a Strat would be rad, but you can also stick the EMG T-series bridge pickup in the bridge of a Strat for some really ballsy/almost twangy sounds - Prince actually does this with his Strats.

I actually really quite like EMG single coils, almost more than I like their humbuckers. The EMG T set was a total sleeper for me, but I love the shit out of it and so do dudes like Prince and Keith Urban, oddly enough.

My only advice is to stay away from anything too hot - when you get the singles too hot it'll start reacting more like a P90 or PAF than a traditional single coil, and the lows well get flabby under distortion. I made that mistake with the DMZ Area Hot T. :(
Check out both Lollar and Lindy Fralin pickups - you can call either company and actually speak to Jason Lollar/Lindy Fralin and they can help you get what you need.



Neither company screws around, they just make flat-out incredible pickups.
you all are forgetting the best single coil pick ups made :)

Suhr pickups.

seriously, best strat/tele tone i have ever heard. even better then custom shop strats that i have played.

did i mention they're made by John Suhr who was the Masterbuilder at Fender Custom Shop?? :)

Check it out man.