Someone's got some balls and not afraid to use em


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
I suppose articles like this are "shocking" because we're not used to politicians saying what they actually think anymore.

Ukrainian Human Rights Chief Calls for Fight Against “Evil” Gays

First question: what's with the quotation marks around the word EVIL?

The chair of the Committee on Human Rights of the Ukrainian Parliament has called homosexual people “evil” and is calling for a fight against them, the Gaywired web-site reports.

I like how news of this event can only get gotten through a website called Gaywired... kinda makes me think its a tad biased.

“We consider that such public statements by a high ranking politician, whose duty it is to protect human rights, are simply inadmissible in civilized democratic society,” said a spokesperson from the Nash Mir (Our World) Gay and Lesbian Centre.

And who cares what one of these pillars of evil has to say?

Communist Deputy (MP) Leonid Grach, who heads the human rights committee of the Supreme Council (parliament), said in an interview last November that “homosexuality is an anomaly, which is caused by the amorality and the depravity of man.”

I thought it was caused by seeking the cock.

He also expressed confidence that the present Parliament will not vote for a law legalising same-sex unions and permitting them to adopt children – and added that in the next Parliament the question will not be raised at all.

Aww. Better luck in South Africa!

Ukrainian gay and lesbian groups were outraged at the statement and wrote to Mr. Grach, calling for him to respect and protect the rights of homosexuals.


However the plea fell on deaf ears and last week Mr. Grach hurled new insults at the gay community.

What'd Nelson say in the Simpsons? "Ha ha!"

“I, and my colleagues in Parliament, have to defend society from intrusions upon morality,” he said last week. “We must not admit into the consciousness – and souls – of people of any age the thought that the State is on the side of the people who are sowing debauchery, propagandising for depravity, for sexual permissiveness, and for bringing the abomination of seduction into society.

That is to say, cocksucking and rug-munching.

“The State must protect society from an evil, from violence, including such evil as homosexuality, lesbianism and suchlike others,” he said.

Sweet! No more bull-dykes on trikes and flaming fairies prancing down Kiev's boulevards!
