Something a little different from me. Lots of clean Vox

Jul 15, 2006
Kenton, OH
My buddy and i wrote this song about Bram Stoker's(you know the one with Gary Oldman) Dracula and it came out pretty cool.....It's a cleaner song with only clean singing......We usually don't write stuff like this so we were surprised that it came out half way descent or at least we thought it

If anybody has anything to add before it's printed, I'm open ear's......Thanks again for listening !!!
Really cool very original vox.
I love the song.

What software did you use for the drums and guitars?

(and sorry for my english I'm french)
Cool stuff. Kinda sounds like Kevin Moore "Chroma-Key era" and Type O Negative vocals combined. I like it...
Fucking rad song dude. That snare is FAT. I like the little right/left channel stuff at the beginning with the "heartbeats." Was there some intentional vocal correction going on at the end? It sounds really "autotuney"
All Slate on this . a bunch of different Amp sims.

Hey thanks Larry, i will have to check out kevin moore on the tube , i can't really say i heard of him

Brian thanks for the comments . All the vocals are tuned.....It wasn't that the singer was off key.....i just wanted that polish over there is 4 to 6 layers of vocal on some i really wanted to lock everything in.....but your right i do hear some spots were it's to much........what exact parts are you talking about? the whole end or were it breaks at the end and it's just the voice? i will go back and fixed those......

I made a few changes, here is a newer version
Wow man - that's a GREAT song. I wish I had more to say, but I love it. SWEET vox, great guitar, bass and drums. One of my faves from this board.

I really dig this man.
Really nice vocal production! Just what I've been going for recently, lots of layers of vocals all doing different things, all adding to one big cohesive whole.

The drums do sound very obviously slate-y, but it's giving you the pro sound you said you're wanting so that's cool. I would have loved some more vibey, more natural sounding drums in this though. It sounds more like an epic ballad metalled up rather than a more atypical metal track.
More critique. :) Had another few listens.

The drums are perhaps a bit busy in the first verse. Given the nature of the song I'd say keep the drums pretty mellow until things really need to kick off. So the added chaos on the drums will make more impact in the end. Contrast is what's gonna make the ending REALLY soar.

The vocals are definately a bit too autotuned for my tastes as well. If you backed it off even more and kept it a bit more natural sounding in places it'd be good. For the chorus it works, but apart from that I'd back it off. And the very end, with the soloed vocals, I wanna hear a person singing, not t-pain.
The vibe in the verses is really intimate and close. It almost sounds like he's whispering in your ear it's that intimate. I think the vocals being a bit less blatantly perfect would really up the vibe factor there. And take the backing vox in the verses back a bit too. They're not so much backing vox at the minute as contributing to the main vocal. Up the main vocal a bit and turn the backing vox down to really bring out that intimate quality.
Apart from that this is still the best vocal production I've heard in a while. Really impressive, tight and pro sounding for sure.

Automate up the room mic for the chorus I'd say, and automate the snare reverb up a bit more, I wanna hear that shit going on for fucking miles, it'll reaaally bring the epics.

Also, the chorus could still soar a little bit more. You could ease off on the volume at mastering a little bit, that means the choruses would probably be allowed to breathe just a little bit more. Dynamics are just another form of contrast you can make use of in a song like this. The verses feel like the same volume as the chorus at the minute, diminishing the punch of it a bit.
On that last chorus a nice high pitched string melody would be really cool as well. Reference Mnemic - The Eye On Your Back's final chorus. The strings that come in at the end for that last chorus add a huge load of epic factor and emotion, and this is a really beautiful song, and would imo hugely benefit from it.

But yeah, my main complaint overall is it needs a bit more contrast. Strip the verses down a bit more, and really squeeze every last bit of epic from the chorus, totally play it up.
But I cannot for the life of me stop listening to this track, so don't think it's all negativity, this is a fucking awesome song so far.
hey thanks for eveybody's comments very cool

GarethSE : alot of cool tips there
I hear you on a more vibey drums.......And i have been seeing alot of this lately where ppl been saying those drums are to Slatey......I personally like the way slate drums sound...So it doesn't bother me....Actually that's what i paid for is the slate sound, it's better than anything i could do micing wise. but i also see what your saying.

As far as the vocals.....i can barely hear autotune on the i'm not sure what you mean there..but i agree some parts need to be done better. come on dude it ain't that bad

Thats one of top things i must work on......Is enhancing the contrast of the track like you put it ...Trying to make the track move more musically......My mixes seem to be somewhat Static...ahjteam also let me know this.....I do some Automation on the vox,string, it's not like i don't do any..and i pan everything to its appropriate spot..I just think i need to get a little more creative......

Shit.... I'm at -11rms right now....i guess i could go done a wee bit more

also i totally agree with this statement "The verses feel like the same volume as the chorus at the minute, diminishing the punch of it a bit."
I was just telling my dude that i was having that problem and also I was having the problem of the verses sounding bigger than the chorus.....which is back asswerds :Smug:

But the journey never ends, back to the drawing board

thanks dudes
And for the vocals, yeah I'm being extreme with the t-pain comparison. But the thing with autotune is that if you're bumping notes into place, it's fine. I can deal with that personally, but the fact that the notes are held solidly more like a synth than an actual voice is what you need to fix. Screw with your autotune settings or use melodyne instead. Or perhaps just autotune the chorus but melodyne the rest so the notes will be in perfect pitch but there will still be that natural modulation there. THAT is what will make the difference.

As far as contrast goes, personally I don't think it's an automation problem but a composition/arrangement problem. The verses are too busy and the choruses aren't busy enough in comparison. The more simplistic you keep those verses, the more that chorus will soar, and you'll be lessening that volume problem between the verse and the chorus too.
Don't be afraid to take out a fuck load of layers in the verses. You may have worked hard and spent a lot of time on them, but what would be more pointless than taking them out is letting your pride as a producer affect the song.
That may come off as sort of bitchy sounding, don't worry man. I'm levelling that one at myself too. I find myself putting in fucktons of layers and then I think "does it really need that? does the song REALLY call for it?"
It's all about the SONG. As songwriters it is your goal to make the song hit as hard as it possibly can and really serve its purpose and sometimes swallowing your pride and muting a few sections that you've slaved over can really help things out.

Don't worry about automation yet. Treat movement as one thing and contrast as another. Song first, contrast. Mix second, movement via automation.

If you're at -11 RMS then you may well be alright for now. What's the level at the chorus? It sounds a fair bit more smushed than the verses. Perhaps automate the limiter to open up a bit on the chorus? and then clamp it back down for the verses?
Failing that you could always cheat and automate the volume of the mixdown on the mastering file, like bumping the level of the verses down a bit and leaving the choruses as your loud parts, but that is technically cheating and there's better ways to go about getting your contrast in volume, which is by contrast in the writing more than anything.

But yeah man, I don't usually leave anywhere near this much critique on stuff, ever, but I really dig your stuff and just wanna hear it go from being 9/10 to 11/10 is all haha. Don't take my word as gospel either, you're the big cheese at the end of the day but as a music lover this is just how I'd want to hear things done.

Hope I've helped :)