Something freaked me out.

Dude, this is fucking unreal. I noticed that when you pick a random symbol and then click on the sphere it doesn't get it right. However, when you do all the math in your head as it tells you to, it gets it right every goddamn time! What the fuck...?
Simple trick. The answer is always a multiple of 9 (18, 27 etc.), up to 81. They use the same symbol for all these numbers. Then they change the symbol after each time you try, so you won't notice.

Simple. Your number will always be a multiple of nine.

Example. Pick any two digits, x and y to make a two digit number:

10 * x + y.

Subtract the sum of the digits:

10 * x + y - ( x + y ) = 9 * x

If you look, all the multiples of nine have the same symbol.
I's thought it was something like that.
It's like those stupid television psychics that tell you they can read your mind from inside the TV. Tehy ask you to pick a number then they tell you to multiply or divide that number by another number and volia, they have guessed your magic number and, thus, read your mind.
But that internet psychic it fuckin' freaky.
And I's just noticed that the symbols on the side chance everytime you click the TRY AGAIN button. So Troyanasy was right there too.
Try this on some really, really, stupid people and see what happens. The results should be quite amusing.
The Pimp NeonBlack
Here's another one

Choose a Number
Add 5
Double the result
Subtract 4
Divide the result by 2
Subtract the number you started with
The result is 3

Now you are a psycho psychic, impress the ladies haha
Never ever trust flash animations to be psychic.
Notice they never told you your number either?