Something I just read about our "proud navy"

Sullen Jester

Corporate Executive
Sep 12, 2001
Beneath The World
I just read this on the Sydney Morning Herald (newspaper) site:

Arunta sex assault claims to be investigated

Newspaper allegations of sexual assaults, nude romps, indecent acts and theft by sailors aboard HMAS Arunta would be investigated, an Australian Defence Force (ADF) spokeswoman said today.

Military police and the ADF confirmed they are investigating allegations of widespread misconduct that could lead to criminal charges against the crew of the frigate.

News Limited newspapers said investigators were shocked at attempts by senior naval officials to cover up reports of bar-room misconduct, sexual assaults, nude swimming and a theft spree on the island.

But a defence force lobby group today said sexual misdemeanours by a small minority in the services were part of Australian culture and not special to the military.

Therefore, such activity would never be entirely stamped out in the forces, Australian Defence Association executive director Michael O'Connor said.

His claims follow reports that sailors aboard a naval ship deployed to intercept asylum seekers heading to Australia allegedly ran amok on Christmas Island.

"It's not part of our defence force culture, it's part of our national Australian culture," Mr O'Connor told AAP.

"Let's be clear about that. It's got nothing to do with some special nature of the defence force.

"It's a tiny minority of people. It's essentially something that happens in society across the board.

Mr O'Connor said it was right that the ADF investigated these claims and it had the proper mechanisms in place to do so, but the ADF would never entirely stamp out the practices.

"To believe it can ever be stamped out is a fantasy," he said

Two things I have to say about this:

  • We rely on these people for "defence", and,
  • Mr O'Connor is blaming Australian culture for bar-room misconduct, sexual assaults, nude swimming and a theft spree, saying that the naval force is not responsible for these "cultural" behaviours.

Fucking bullshit.

...Now I don't know why I posted this.
What so people that want to 'experiment' now have the choice between college/uni and the navy... I know, do a uni degree THROUGH the navy, just to make sure all bases are covered:rolleyes: