Something I noticed about this picture...

I made it. It's a photo collage constisting of single shots of all band members (taken in a photo studio with blue background) and a background picture from some photo disc of some sort (which I paid for!). Funny note: Øystein's using my leather jacket so it's appearing twice on this picture, hehe. Not going to mention a name here but I think one of the other guys are using Lars' boots too (yuk!).

- Asgeir
Ugh, I really dont like that picture, everyone just looks so weird.

I always liked this one.

Wow, I've never seen that picture before.
I feel bad for laughing at Lars though, he looks like an attractive version of Dani Filth.
Asgeir is looking hot as hell though.Then again, I'm just biased because my boyfriend looks exactly like him <3
Isjungfrun said:
Wow, I've never seen that picture before.
me either. i think it's from the Quintessence photo shooting session (it has to be.. :lol: )

damn.. i know Asgeir, Lars and Jens are standing in the background, but not that far away. that means that Oystein and Simen are two huge blokes..
i also noticed that when i saw him with Arcturus, he must be like 2 meters tall at least..
Wow, I've never seen that picture before.
I feel bad for laughing at Lars though, he looks like an attractive version of Dani Filth.
Asgeir is looking hot as hell though.Then again, I'm just biased because my boyfriend looks exactly like him <3

Yea, Lazare used to look a little too goth for my tastes. I'm glad he's cleaned up and all suave looking now!

I still have a hard time getting over the fact that &#216;ystein used to have all that hair!!!
me either. i think it's from the Quintessence photo shooting session (it has to be.. :lol: )

damn.. i know Asgeir, Lars and Jens are standing in the background, but not that far away. that means that Oystein and Simen are two huge blokes..
i also noticed that when i saw him with Arcturus, he must be like 2 meters tall at least..

Yea, I saw Dimmu Borgir a few days ago, and Simen is really very tall!
Yea, I saw Dimmu Borgir a few days ago, and Simen is really very tall!

I managed to get a spot at the front where he was standing right in front of me during the whole set. He towered over everything. Between songs I yelled to him that "Quintessence is the greatest album ever written". He nodded and replied "That's right!" then he took another swig of scotch.

Best fucking night of my life.
I managed to get a spot at the front where he was standing right in front of me during the whole set. He towered over everything. Between songs I yelled to him that "Quintessence is the greatest album ever written". He nodded and replied "That's right!" then he took another swig of scotch.

Best fucking night of my life.

I saw Borgir during their 3rd show on this tour. I too, was smart enough to pick out a spot on the left hand side of the gate. I was RIGHT infront of Simen and Galder the whole night. It was fucking amazing. And inbetween songs I'd shout "VOOOORRTTEX" and "COLOSSUS" and "YOU ARE AMAZING" and I got his attention numerous times, he pointed, waved, nodded and said somethings but I couldn't hear them I just saw his mouth moving. It was awesome though!

Here are some pictures for you guys:








Yea, Lazare used to look a little too goth for my tastes. I'm glad he's cleaned up and all suave looking now!

I still have a hard time getting over the fact that Øystein used to have all that hair!!!

He does look dashing with his new style. Although it creeps me out because he looks exactly like my life long friend, who I always saw as a brother. So lusting after Lars just feels oh so wrong.