Something I tripped on...


The 13th Monkey
Feb 12, 2002
Golden State
Ok, so does mowing the lawn add to this fad of "global warming"...?

The cut grass clippings sit in clumps on the ground composting. Releasing nitrogen as it decomposes as well as heat dissipation.
Where as the uncut grass is a longer, healthier plant releasing oxygen as all plants do thus cooling the atmosphere in the exchange of normal photosynthesis. Or if not exactly cooling the air, not filling it with rotting clippage heat. Have you felt (and smelled) that stuff?

And what about red-lights? All those idling engines with so much hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide ppm...

Summer is coming...(Northern hemisphere dwellers only)


Well think about it like this - keeping the grass means we're technically feeding COWS with that grass. And since cow farts have been partially blamed for global warming, we're making it worse either way! Also, lawn mowers run on gas if I remember correctly (I haven't used a Lawn Mower in maybe 7 years), so that's another problem, unless you have a more old school mower.

Lawn mowers should be used for one purpose and one purpose only - chopping down zombies! (Dead Alive/Braindead. What's better than that?)

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Ever heard of William Randolph Hearst?

Yeah and I was also told it takes more food (Corn) to feed cattle to feed people than it would take to simply grow corn to feed x amount of people. It also takes several more quarts of oil for the machines to run to feed the cattle. Watch Food Inc.

I just saw this movie "Queen of the Sun: What are the Bees trying to tell us?" everyone should watch this. Also ever hear of "Victory Gardens?" I think people should be doing this today.

Yeah I hate the smell that comes from the bags of rotting grass, I don't believe it's healthy. Things that smell raunchy usually aren't good. Most people blindly do things without thinking about it. And I hate the sound of lawnmowers.
I don't know that you could really measure that, but maybe. I suppose some scientists could measure the amount of nitrogen being released into the air from an average sized lawn and perhaps estimate how much gets into the atmosphere versus simple dissipating, if it does either at all. Calculate how many people mow their lawns each day per given area or something... and so forth. That's definitely interesting.

Was told of conspiracy that now we idle longer at red lights so that we burn more fuel and thus feed the pump more cash.

I find it interesting that no one ever considered that for all the money that Herb brings into this country they don't factor in how much more money it possibly inadverdantly brings in via food sales.
Think about this: If I go out ad spend ten dollars on a dime bag. OK, fine. But after a little while I get hungry. Then I got and spend even more money on Food. *Munchies*
I can't tell you how many times some friends I have have dropped cash at a Mexican restaurant or local convenience store. You can't tell me that for all the people who smoke and get the munchies hat at least that sector of the economy - The food industry, doesn't benefit. Even a small percentage, however measurable. I am more than confident a cross research study could be done on this. I really think the food industry benefits as well from people who get high.