Something wrong with my DIs?


Apr 18, 2010
Alright I'm just curious. I have an active DI box running right into my Saffire 24. I plug right into the DI box and that goes to the interface which goes right into my DAW.

Here's an example of my DI tone.

Something sounds just wrong and I can't get my guitar to sound good for the life of me. I'm using an Ibanez UV777 with a Bare Knuckle Nailbomb in the bridge. Quality guitar but I can't get a good tone from any ampsims and even when reamping I feel there isn't a lot of signal being carried to the amp like if I just play it. If I turn the gain on the interface anymore it peaks. Whats up??
Depending on the design of the active preamp, it might not be able to withstand the level of signal reaching it. JFETs are like this, they're fantastic right up to the point where they suck. That's why the classic 1176 had a hardwired signal pad before the gain stage to knock the signal down. Unfortunately this type of distortion wouldn't read on any meter.
Saffires' are not true bypass` meaning the preamp gain knob is always harmonicly distorting your signal. Focusritte support has stated that using a mono jack will bypass preamps. In other words external boxes/premps/etc have issues going through the saffires. Its lame I know, but Its true.

(+ the actual 0 unity gain is between 4 - 5 ,below that is minus (almost like a pad) ...)