Something's Missing?


Feb 11, 2002
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Hello all. I can see that the forums were down for a bit. I've done a search of topics for the past 2 weeks and I can't locate the thread on the earplugs. I know that it was fairly recent.

I think it was Zod who had put a recent link to the funky colored ones with the cords. Would you mind putting that back up here?
Thor Intrepid said:
I do not know what ones were posted, but I use these at gigs without losing a lot of clarity.
Don't buy them for that much!! I have nearly identicle (if not the same) at my dollar store. I saw this post yesterday and today I bought all the earplugs on the hook. After I save out a pair for my boyfriend and for myself, I'll have about 3 left over. I looked around in the store room but I don't think we have any more at the moment. I'll see if I can't get more into inventory and I'll load up for you guys!

sh0kr0k said:
Don't buy them for that much!! I have nearly identicle (if not the same) at my dollar store. I saw this post yesterday and today I bought all the earplugs on the hook. After I save out a pair for my boyfriend and for myself, I'll have about 3 left over. I looked around in the store room but I don't think we have any more at the moment. I'll see if I can't get more into inventory and I'll load up for you guys!

The ear plugs Thor was referring to are specially designed not to "muffle" the high-end of the music and are designed for musicians so that they can accurately hear their instruments but at a volume that isn't damaging to the ear. The standard earplugs you buy are designed for industrial use or using construction equipment etc. and aren't designed for high fidelity. They will protect your ears, but you lose out a great deal of the music being played.

Well sumbitch.

I swear, I'm gonna buy them. We're practicing tonight, and we have to swing by Guitar Center cuz Lars has to pick up a new cymbal he ordered, and I'ma see if they sell em there. Cuz I always wear earplugs, but they always muffle the high end. I do use the industrial stuff, cuz it quiets everything, but I've always wondered if there were better earplugs out there. I can't stand not hearing the cymbalwork at a concert! When Christy or Portnoy are just splattering their kit with all kinds of sounds, I never really hear them that well!!!

Bloody hell.