Son of Man , Killswitchish kinda metalcore

Dave this sounds fantastic!

Now did you build the sca n72 preamp yourself and did you have a lot of diy experience building preamps before this or anything? Ive looked at these a few times and been telling myself I'm just not experienced enough to build. I got a real nice soldering gun though. Ive just never soldered on pbc board.
I built an A12 first, then the N72. Other than fixing the occasional cable, I had pretty much zero experiencewhen I started. I fucked up a few minor things but nothing too difficult to fix.

Its really not that hard. Give your self a whole day and double check everything. I actually enjoyed building mine.
I have two N72s... IMO organizing parts is key. I do all like parts at the same time e.g. resistors, cap, diodes. you'll be a solder expert in no time. removing a misplaced part will be a challenge if you've never done that, otherwise go for it.
this sounds great! can you say anything about the guitar chain?

Nothing too fancy.

Good player > Dunlop Tortex picks > ESP guitar with DR strings (liked the strings a lot but they lose the magic super quick! I'm talking 3 or 4 hours) > Little Labs Redeye > Spider > DAW > Little Labs Redeye again for reamping > Keeley Modded TS9-DX > Mesa 3ch Dual Rec (Red ch, tube rectos) > oversized straight Mesa Cab (this was their cab and was mounted in a big road case. I had to feed it a bit more top end than I would my cab, but it just soaked up the mids really well. The mids on the amp were at about 12:30, sounded great.) > SM57 > SCA N72 > Spider line in > DAW.

There you go, guitar chain start to finish.
Is there Much Drum Replacement? If so what GOGs/Samples Are u Using !!!!!!!

Drums are all 100% replaced. Snare is a mix of a sample set I made from his snare (13" Spaun) and another set I made from someone else's snare. Mostly the 13" with just a little beef from the other set. The drummer was really into the 36 Crazy Fist drum tone so I kinda kept that in mind for the snare.

Toms are from his kit. Pearl Export series 10" and 15", Clear Emperors.

Kick is one set from his kit, 22" i think Pearl Export, and a set that I had already that I didn't make. I still kinda suck at making my own kick samples.
Drums are all 100% replaced. Snare is a mix of a sample set I made from his snare (13" Spaun) and another set I made from someone else's snare. Mostly the 13" with just a little beef from the other set. The drummer was really into the 36 Crazy Fist drum tone so I kinda kept that in mind for the snare.

Toms are from his kit. Pearl Export series 10" and 15", Clear Emperors.

Kick is one set from his kit, 22" i think Pearl Export, and a set that I had already that I didn't make. I still kinda suck at making my own kick samples.

I Love the Drum sound. I WANT YOUR SAMPLES!!! lol :worship:

Great work on the sound. Sounds Fantastic. I also Liked your work on Cephalic Carnage.