sonata arctica forum

:lol: Did you ever read my reply to your PM or did you read that HUGE thread on the SA forum before it died?

Here's the deal:

UM is now going to charge bands 5 USD a month to host their forum. SA didn't want to pay to keep their forum here, so they've cancelled their "subscription".
Wellu (the forum's moderator and SA's webmaster, I believe) is currently looking for somewhere else to host the band's forum.
I think he might be trying to make his own message board that will be hosted on the band's website.
Until he finds a place to host it or builds his own, SA won't have a message board.

I think the closest thing you'l find to a SA message board will be at Eden's website,

I think that's pretty much what happend. Maybe Jax or Val can clear it up if I got it wrong, but I think that's pretty accurate.
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
I think that's pretty much what happend. Maybe Jax or Val can clear it up if I got it wrong, but I think that's pretty accurate.

Yup that's about it..well, you left out the part where half a dozen people offered to pay the $5 a month & were turned down, but I don't suppose that matters anymore. ;)
yeah, lee's explanation is correct.

don't worry, pete: the forum will surely be created on another site and - as far as i know - the great part of us will be there. i don't know how long it will take, but it will definitely appear somewhere else.
all we can do is keep on checking their official website (the frequency of you check depends on the level of your addiction to the sa board, i bet lee will keep on refreshing the page to notice any changing after 0,3 seconds), , to know when/where we will unite once again.

in the meantime, enjoy! :)

Oh yeah. You know me; I love SA and that's why I owned one song.
Dangerman did a tape of Ecliptica for me and I even gave that away :lol:
I don't mind that album so much, but Silence should have been just that.

That reminds me; there was a composer (I don't recall his name) of experimental music who actually released a piece of silence as an honest work of 'music'. The sad thing is people actually bought it and discussed it as if it had any sort of merit.
It's a bit like that Freudian psycho-analyst who did the non-session.
Frued said no psycho-analysis session should be shorter than an hour, or something like that, but this guy kept on shortening and shortening his sessions with his patients. He kept on doing it until he actualy had his patients paying to not see him for a session.
It sounds kind of amusing, but one woman killed herself because of how he brought up lots of issues with her but left them unresolved.
Do you know the name of that dude, Val? It's quite a famous case.

Lee; master of whittering on.
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
Do you know the name of that dude, Val? It's quite a famous case.
yeah, i guess you're talking about john cage. the funny thing is (as i read somewhere) another composer added a "silent track" to one of his albums and he was accused of copyright infringement :lol:
That's absurd. :lol:

I wonder if they had a panel of experts sit and listen to compare the two pieces and judge their similarity, before bringing a legal action.

Some people, tze.

What about the psychologist thing? Have you heard of that?
no, i haven't. it's stupid and sad. i like "experimentalism", but you have to use your brain, too.

this reminds me to something which happened some time ago: there was this woman who was about to jump off a bridge. the police, while trying to convince her to come down, had to stop the traffic on the bridge. it ends that this woman jumped off (also) because the people stuck on the bridge were flaming at her and calling her names because she was making them loose time. some people.
is john cage the guy that does all that sutff that sounds like crap? =P lol i think i heard some of his stuff last year, like it was all chimes and dings and stuff? maybe im thinking of someone else....

oh yea...and...
no, pete! with "arsehole" lee was referring to john cage :lol: (who is now living an unexpected day of glory).

edit: oops, no, he's not exactly _living_ a day of glory...