How's this for resurrecting an old thread?
Back when I first read this thread, Winterheart's Guild was the only CD of theirs that I owned (and I love it, especially Gravenimage and The Misery). Well, I picked up Reckoning Night this summer and was completely blown away. I agree that this is strong from start to finish - I really enjoy every song. But more important than that is the presence of the song White Pearl, Black Oceans. I am not even sure I can put into words how I feel about it. This is an absolute masterpiece of a song. I can listen to it over and over and over and just go crazy every time. Everything about it is just amazing: the vocals, the lyrics, the tempo changes, everything! Wow, wow, wow! Also, as Matt said, Shamandalie is just a phenomenal ballad. My only complaint about the album is that I have a hard time listening to the whole thing because I always want to skip to tracks 9 and 10.
I have recently picked up Silence, but have only listened to it once. I need to get Eliptica.
Hey Victory, I checked out Twilightning and Random Eyes based on your recommendations. Twilightning didn't really do it for me, but I really liked the Random Eyes mp3s on their website. I ordered Eyes Ablaze and I really love it. I also had some cool conversation over e-mail with their guitarist, who apparently fills CD orders. I hope to someday get them over here for a show (here being MN for me).
I'm also going to make a shameless plug here. SwordLord and I are putting on the Sonata show in Minnesota on Jan 31. If anyone is within driving distance, consider coming to our show and meeting the band! We plan to have a meet and greet after the show for everyone willing to stay late enough to meet them. Cellador ( is opening.