Song Books


Jan 11, 2004
Paul had this idea that I thought was really cool. To make up books for each of the cd's with the meanings to all the songs. I would help him with these kinda like scrapbook. I thought that would be more personal than something mass produced. I don't know what he would charge for these but originally I thought it would be a great idea to raise money for the band for Europe or other funding they needed. Is anybody interested in these? Let us know, I would love to have some of the bands that I'm fanatic about put out something like this. The books would have more stuff like old photo's, insight to what was going on at the time etc. He would probably start with TPHD & work back. I know I don't even know what all the songs are about so this is a great project.

Feedback please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hotjump:
Well I'm an lyric fanatic and I'd love the idea of an ND songbook,I would be honored to help out,just can't see how? Since I live on the other side of the ocean,but let me know if I can be of any use what so ever..
Arline's been on me for awhile to write this since I mentioned it to her over a year ago. If I ever did this, it would be one book, containing all 6 full lengths, including The Novella Reservoir. I'm not too hip on the "home made" feel, so I would most likely look to having something like this made in a limited issue. I don't know yet... I guess it depends on the interest for something like this, and what sort of format people would like to see.
Sounds like a great idea!!
Another good way of raising money for a band is to release band authorized bootlegs. Many bands (such as TROUBLE for instance do this). It is inexpensive for the band, since they can be pressed by the band themself on CDR.

Collector geeks like myself love this stuff, esp when it is band authorized since you know they won't release something that isn't of top notch sound quality.

Therefore, if you guys have any soundboard live gigs, you can press them on CDR. You figure if you charge $10 for them, and when bought in bulk, a CDR costs less than a dollar, you profit about $9 per disc (less of course the cost of your time in making them).

Just another thought.
Releasing live material in some fashion like you mentioned is not completely out of the question, Jasonic. We've discussed things like that before. It's just a matter of getting the legalities worked out with it, because of contractual stipulations regarding the recording or re-recording of those songs. It's actually easier for other people to bootleg our stuff than it is for us to do it ourselves *laughs*

We don't have too much soundboard type stuff that I can recall. I might be wrong....

Again, just like Paul's book, if there's serious interest in doing something like this from fans out there, we'll seriously look into it. If it's something that 20 people say they "might" be into, then it's not really worth it is it? haha
id say if it has more than just your average lyric documentation. Possibly interviews with the band and possible good bootleggs etc. It would definatley help even more with people that were into the lyrics already. And even myself whos not really into lyrics at all, i would be eager to see the reasoning and ideas that have been put into to the band since you had begun as group.
Just an update, I've actually been hard at work on this. I've written about half of this book in it's first draft. It's been really... Interesting going back, and reliving some of the memories to write down their actual meanings. I still have not decided what I will do with this when it's all done, but I'm enjoying doing it.
So, I really moved ahead with this. I completed writing the book, and found an editor who is working on it for me now. What was an idea has actually moved forward into something pretty cool. The next step is to lay it all out in a format I like, and decide where to go from there.

Here's a question... Would you like something like this as a stand alone product, or should it be given away for a very limited release with The Novella Reservoir? Again, this is just talk at the moment, production cost will determine what I can actualy do with it.
I would think most people are going to say they'd rather have it as a ltd release add-on to the album, even if it only were for finance's sake. Trying to look at it from your point of view though, there's a pro and a con to that. On the one hand more people would probably get to see your book than if it were a stand alone thing. Although I'd personally be happy to cough up a few bucks for it, I'm playing the devil's advocate and would say chances are not a whole lot of people thing similarly.
On the other hand I'm not sure if such an exceptional work would get the distro it deserves if it's "just" an add-on with a limited lifespan as it were. As in that I'm not sure how good well it would work out to get the "CD and book" package out into the stores around the world. I'm not that familiar with distribution channels (yet).

So basically from where I'm standing, cost permitting, I'd say get it out there with the album as a limited release on the condition it will get good distribution. If that's not financially viable it would have to be a stand alone product in which case, if I were you, I'd work with pre-orders and then have some extras printed up according to the budget available.

I'd just like to add I'm impressed you've worked on this so hard and fast. I clearly remember the whole idea first popping up in this forum and it really doesn't seem that long ago that it did.
I say you charge a fee like 10 or 15 bucks, It's a semi origional idea. I think that would help kick money back to the band. It could be an item exclusive to the fans from your website? Or would your label be helping? maybe press a record too, that would be fun, a picture disc, or gatefold with the book. hmm, I would buy it, just because a book sounds interesting, and i am (along with 98% of metalheads) a huge collector.
I just have to have it no matter what,but I agree with the guys above,I also like the idea of an exclusive item for the regular forum members or devoted fans! And I don't have that PayPal stuff,cause I don't understand nothing of computer stuff whatsoever,so we have to sort something out for the payment,I can pay you next month CASH!!