song-by-song review of new Maiden

Maiden a progressive metal band? Then I'd have some more of that regressive music please... What's so "progressive" about their current stuff anyway?!

I've been reading about it for the last few releases and it seems more like an excuse for overstretched songwriting they've been putting out lately than a valid argument - who dares to say "the emperor is naked". I mean, every CD since X Factor (except for Virtual XI) has been 70-75 minutes (too) long! Drop a few phrases from an each song, will ya?!

I think what they need badly is a producer who has authority over them (read: Harris) to influence them positively and make their songwriting more concise... Martin Birch anyone? :D
I would have to disagree... Maiden just wouldn't be Maiden if Harris didn't do what he does. It's obviously not my favorite album, but it's still Maiden! A lot of people have always said Maiden is progressive.... I just say that they are fucking Maiden... the most classic of them all!
I think what they need badly is a producer who has authority over them (read: Harris) to influence them positively and make their songwriting more concise... Martin Birch anyone? :D

Wasn't impressed at all with El Dorodo as part of their live set this tour. I hope the rest of the album is better.
Maiden needs somebody to get them to cut their songs down. I like Rime of the Ancient Mariner, sure, but an entire album of tunes that long? No thanks.

I'm going to approach the new record with an open mind, but I'm not expecting to be blown away the way I was with Piece of Mind.
but I'm not expecting to be blown away the way I was with Piece of Mind.

Nothing will ever blown us away the way "Piece Of Mind" did, after all these years and still the best Maiden and one of the best metal albums in history.