Song I put together lastnight. Ideas for getting it sounding better?

Don't mean to bump but I'm just trying to get some input on this track. Anyone lend me some advice?
Get that snare smacking a little harder! Try compressing it a bit harder and get some aggressiveness into it. It's a little too dry/bland.

I dig the music!
ok so here are things that i PERSONALY would change.
-insert a mulit-band comp and tame the shit outta those low mids. They are making your tone/mix cloudy or unclear.
-Bring those lead guitars a tad, because they will get in the way of your vocal track (if you will have one) If you DONT want to bring them down a bit, then maybe duplicate the track, and pan them left and right by like 10-15% so they arent where your vocal track is. (panning wise)
-Another thing is to fix that snare man. that thing needs a make-over. EQ the snare (get the sound you want), then use a transient designer to make it pop in the mix (add attack), then compress, then EQ again. It also seems a bit too dry so maybe send it to a verb bus, or just plop a reverb insert on the track.

cheers mang
Hmmm.. The snare is definitely louder, but I think EQing the snare could get you the sound you want. Try cutting some 800 (slight) and boost around 3000khz. I have a couple favorites from the slate packages. I like 12a, a blend of 11a and 13a, a blend between 11a and 22. And don't be afraid to turn the room of the snare up in the mix. Although slate's stuff has a lot of compression on their samples, try putting more to really make it snap. (to where it fits in the mix, don't over do it)
I'm using Sonar 8.5. I can't say I ever head of a transient designer. Mind giving me a brief explanation? Also thanks for all this, really helping out a lot.
Ok a transient designer (depending on which one) basically give you the option of adding or taking away more attack or sustain. The attack section will be used for things like snare and kick to make it pop (by adding attack). The sustain section can also be usedful a lot of things. For example, if you record cymbals, and the stick attack is very present, then you insert you transient designer and lower the attack in the plugin. I also crank up the sustain when i have a transient designer on cymbalsm, because it spreads them out and...sustains them! A very very good transient designer is one called "Dominion". It features the attack and sustain features i was talking about, plus a saturation section and.... a hp filter i think? but yeah. search up "dominion vst plugin for windows/mac (whichever one you have) and you should have it!
Thanks for the help man. You really gave some great suggestions and it sounds much better than before!