Song I threw together over the weekend, guest solo appearances, this was fun making..

John Haddad (Shiva Industries)

Dump Truck Repairs
Nov 17, 2005
Corona, CA
Spent Saturday and Today working on this, had help in the solo department from some friends as I do not have a clue how to do anything other than dive bombs.

It's still in an unfinished state as far as vocals and riffs but you get the idea. :kickass:

P.S. this was merely for funs sake...the lyrics are about my roommates bathroom disgust and hair clogged shower.

The caverns of sickness thick with the filth of the parasites
Unholy artifact of brown waste regurgitates the soul less
porcelain thrones gleam as they meet their foul anatomy
Sweat of tyrants lubricates the chassis
Sweet sacrament to the ones below

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