Song I'm working on...

Uh... the song may suck, but if you want to even have the dignity of having your song's suckiness taken seriously, you need to clean up the midi so that we don't hear your AIM conversations.
1. cynic: Whats the point? This isn't going on a record or anything (obviously). Did it really ruin your day to hear a AIM sound. The only reason its on there is I'm on a mac and I can not find a tab program for free that isnt just a demo.. so I can only export/save 16 measures... so what I did was get a program to record sound playing on the computer and just played the whole song in the program... which happened to pick up some AIM sounds :) Also, I'd like to hear a song youve written/recorded please since obviously you know what "sucks" and what doesnt

2. I honestly don't have 12$ right now or I would have purchased a new cable already. I left my only working one at home (7 hours away, im in college which is also why I don't have any money, no time for a job yet).

Thanks for listening atleast :).. well i guess not to jean since he didnt listen..
Scourge of Malice said:
1. cynic: Whats the point? This isn't going on a record or anything (obviously). Did it really ruin your day to hear a AIM sound. The only reason its on there is I'm on a mac and I can not find a tab program for free that isnt just a demo.. so I can only export/save 16 measures... so what I did was get a program to record sound playing on the computer and just played the whole song in the program... which happened to pick up some AIM sounds :) Also, I'd like to hear a song youve written/recorded please since obviously you know what "sucks" and what doesnt
Just because I haven't done better doesn't mean that your song doesn't suck.
Hey now, you guys are being too rough. The actual writing didn't suck, it just sounded really really bad in midi. But you did completely rip off some opeth riffs, which isn't good. Still- you've definitely got a basic understanding of the music, you just need to uh... not share midi files.
haha dont worry, i woudlnt expect anything but harshness from 90% of the people on these forums :)

but ya i wasnt trying to do anything new.. i knew in my mind the whole time what i was writing a song that would sound like opeth.. maybe that seems wierd, i dunno.

its just a preview, and its probably only a half written song. I would have recorded it with real guitar if I could have, I will soon. I wasnt trying to show off the sound of the actual mp3/midi, just the writing. my biggest problem with it is some of the riffs (or maybe all to some) dont flow quite right together.. I think it would be solved with real instruments recording it though.
Scourge of Malice said:
my biggest problem with it is some of the riffs (or maybe all to some) dont flow quite right together.
I thought that was what you were going for, given that you said that it was like Opeth and all...
well its just my freshman year, my parents are still supporting me. but they mostly just give me money for school stuff. i dont get much extra to spend on things i want. my mother just gave me some money though to pay for some books I had to buy so I might go buy a new cable today or tomorrow. once i get a job it will be fine :)